@maharani: I love Rachel! Not because she's really a nice person, but because she's so full of herself and ridiculous.
@maharani: I love Rachel! Not because she's really a nice person, but because she's so full of herself and ridiculous.
@LadyCoCo: Give it to her on Christmas! Most people leave their tree up for a few days after Christmas, so she can enjoy it then and of course in future years.
@katieupsidedown: I remember reading it in high school and not really "getting" it - like, these people all have really weird names and I don't understand these experiences and rabies, what? But then I read it again last year and I was able to really appreciate it. It's a really beautiful, real, hungry story about…
@PrettyPrettyPrincess: I KNOW. I miss when BSG was on Friday nights.
@YoungBayardRustin: I never noticed the parallels before, but Their Eyes Were Watching God is so fucking good that if Cameron actually wrote Titanic based on it, I would be insulted.
@katieupsidedown: Yup! I mean, how can you NOT remember that?
@Penny: One of us, one of us!
@tiredtyler: Oh yeah. I saw an episode of Gangland once about gangs in my city and I got way excited! "Oh hey, I know where that is! That place on TV! Oh... but someone got shot there... that's not so good."
@feelingHELLApeasanty: Omgah, I know. Deb is my favorite part of that show! "I'd rather put out a campfire with my face." ILU FOREVER, DEBS.
@feelingHELLApeasanty: I'm bookling on Tumblr, too! My book blog was on blogspot, but I moved to wordpress, so it's [accioyabooks.wordpress.com.]
@Future Mr. paperispatient: Ha! I just saw your Future Mrs. post about this on Tumblr, and I'm sorry to say I disagree with you.
@Melanie the Werewolf: I don't think I've ever had a professor under 30. The average is probably over 40, under 60. The youngest profs I've ever had were in their early 30s.
@hydrozoa: I have a cousin who used to work in construction and he had situations like this sometimes. I'm pretty sure he would just collect unemployment or go back to Starbucks during those times when there was no work. I'm not really sure how it's legal to tell you, "hey, you won't be working for the next two…
@HonkyGeisha: Exactly. I'm reading a lot of these comments and just sighing.
@im2fools: Well, replying with this gif is probably rude.
@im2fools: Excuse me? Are you really insinuating that because we're having this conversation on Jez, I clearly can not know what I'm talking about when it comes to Apple? I read Giz and occasionally comment there, and I'm fairly tech-savvy, so thanks for that.
@im2fools: They don't HAVE to be consistent, but it's good policy to be consistent. That way customers feel like they can depend on you to always provide the content they want. This just makes Amazon look fickle and wishy-washy, whereas if it were a company like Barnes & Noble or Apple, you could feel confident…
@im2fools: They did remove already-purchased content from customers' Kindles. They did it once before with the book 1984, and after they got sued for it, they promised they would never do it again (except in a few very specific situations, none of which had anything to do with content). If Amazon has a problem with…
@Kitty Conner: Yes, exactly. No other reputable bookseller would sell someone a book or an ebook and then demand it back because they changed their mind and decided it was objectionable.
My favorite part is the way they "offer abortions to unsuspecting clients." I presume this means that you go in for a pap smear and BAM! SURPRISE ABORTION. Think you're getting an ultrasound? SURPRISE! YOU GET AN ABORTION INSTEAD. It's like winning the lottery!