
@The Faery Goth Mother: Eh, Atwater-Rhodes is okay but not my favorite. She's actually the same age as me so I was really into her when she published her first book at 14 or whatever, but I don't care for her so much anymore. Paolini is just bad.

@The Faery Goth Mother: Really? I had no idea she was so young! OR that she had other books published, actually. I thought Halo was her first.

@lizyfizy: I am so mad, because I'm about to start season four, which is all on Netflix instant, EXCEPT FOR EPISODE ONE. WTF is that about, Netflix?

You guys! Who has seen Tangled? I absofuckinglutely loved it.

@Joseph Bernados: Harry wasn't revolutionary in the way that Buffy was, considering he was male and had a pretty standard hero's journey. But if you want a story about herosim, about a child accepting the role they've been given, about sacrifice and loss, and about the strength of love and frienship — that's Harry.

The best heroines I can think of from the past decade are Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger. Katniss had to deal with a lot of the same issues Buffy does, especially in the last book in the series. Hermione is a total badass, and does lots of heroic things, but the problem is that she's not the Chosen One, she's

@sylphish: If you had a timer ticking down as you changed the baby, and then he CAUGHT FIRE or something if you failed to finish in time — I would play that game.

@punsandpretensions: Cooking Mama wasn't really marketed to little girls, though. And it wasn't presented as a "teach you how to cook" game. It was just a fast, addictive game with angry Mama yelling at you when you burn the onions. It had (and probably still has) a huge following among adults, and I don't remember

@Rachelley: So pretty! You and the photos.

@sylphish: I was pretty freaked out when I saw this. The creepiest part is it comes with a doll that you rock and shit like a real baby.

@Rolento: Don't call him Shirley!

@marciax3: Yeah, this. When I was fifteen reading it I totally understood Holden and his fear of growing up. I don't think the book ages as well — as I get older, I identify with him less and less. But I definitely think it's a good book for high schoolers to read.

@VinnyThePenguin: I'm not sure if I buy "skin tone pink" as an explanation. I mean, have you ever seen another company or product label something as such? It doesn't add up for me. But I'm willing to give them a chance to offer an explanation.

@urbanspelunker: I am REALLY PARANOID about walking on ice because I am afraid of falling, but once when I was in third grade, I fell really hard at the bus stop on the way to school. Right smack on my tailbone. My mom always walked me and my brothers to the bus stop in the morning, so I cried and cried and tried to

@LadyCoCo: Yes, I think it'll look great on someone curvier than that model.

@jannanaphone: White chocolate or regular mocha? White chocolate peppermint mocha is my favorite winter drink.

@Fenchurch: I wonder if the quality of TJ's varies a lot depending on location. I get all my meat and produce from TJ's because I can get more ethical meat there, the produce is better than what I can get from the supermarket, and I don't have any other nearby options (no farmer's market, Whole Foods is way too