@SomeAuthorGirl: Love. Him. I haven't read Quicksilver yet, even though I own it.
@SomeAuthorGirl: Love. Him. I haven't read Quicksilver yet, even though I own it.
@SarsDoesn'tSave: I would go get more whiskey.
@beatrice2000: The woman seemed like she had definitely been through some sort of trauma, and when she goes to see her dad it's pretty clear he's really abusive. And the dude was pretty creepy — he actually stalked her to meet her and pretended someone died to get into her apartment and then kept trying to convince…
@newmakcity: Hm, I just finished it. I'm still confused.
@vikkybee: Probably The Passage.
Has anyone seen the movie Good Dick? It sounds like a porno but it's not, and it's pretty weird. But the woman in it looks a lot like an older Kristen Stewart and it's kind of freaking me out.
@megnificent: He's never hid anything like that from me, but I don't think he realized it would show up on my Netflix home page, either!
@duetoprivacy: At least he admits it was terrible! Ha.
@all: FALSE ALARM, everyone. Boyfriend was watching terrible porn. I never thought I would be so relieved to say that.
@megnificent: You don't need a password to access it, though! You put in your email and password when you set up instant streaming on the PS3, and you never need the password after that. I have to see if there's a way to require the password.
@Joie de Vivre: I mean, who does that? Who watches porn and probably jerks off in someone else's living room when those people have been kind enough to put a roof over your head basically rent-free for six months? REALLY?
@megnificent: Yup. I texted BoyBookling to see if it was him, but if he says no, Roommate it getting his ass kicked. I'm so skeeved out thinking that he might have been sitting in here jerking off.
@Joie de Vivre: He refuses to cough up money for ANYTHING, which is why he's being kicked out in less than a month. Which is why I'm going to be even more pissed if it was him.
[movies.netflix.com] href="http://jezebel.com/tag/height1303/">#height1303
@rixatrix (jezebel kink squad junior member): Yeah, this is true. It's tempting, but dangerous.
@Bookwrm: Oh my god. Levar Burton is one of my childhood heroes.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: Ha! I was in the concession line going, "Accio popcorn! Accio soda!" And going through doors waving my wand and saying "Alohomora!" And then trying to Bat Bogey Hex anyone who made fun of me.
@nansense: Yeah, I really would have loved to see Mitch Pileggi in this episode (or even just in the credits). Missed opportunity.
@Hiphopopotamus: That was my costume too! I wore jeans, my gray wool coat, a hooded sweater underneath, fingerless gloves that are surprisingly similar to the ones she wears in the movie, and my Gryffinder scarf and Hermione's wand.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: Nice! And Voldemort's wand? I had Hermione's.