Dude, me. I was dressed up. I didn't have to stand in line, though — I bought my ticket online well in advance, and when we got to the theater at 10, they had all the theaters playing the movie open already.
Dude, me. I was dressed up. I didn't have to stand in line, though — I bought my ticket online well in advance, and when we got to the theater at 10, they had all the theaters playing the movie open already.
@LucyPevensie: Well, I download them illegally. I have a source on LiveJournal who uploads episodes but I can't name them or they could get shut down. If you search "dexter season 5 episode X download" you'll find some places. Or you can torrent.
@ccivar: Good point! We got those plus one for the new Reese Witherspoon/Paul Rudd/Owen Wilson romcom, and some kids' movies (Yogi Bear).
@PorkStore: OH. Dude, is it terrible that I totally forgot about her already?
@mandabear: I don't understand why you would think she's NOT respected. And in your original comment you talked about your "brave wife" medal, so that kind of implied that you were talking about yourself.
@PorkStore: I guess I'm confused about what you were guessing, because obviously you know who the Big Bad is the whole season, and he's the one who murders someone in the finale.
@PorkStore: Wait... but you know who the killer is the whole time in season 4.
@mandabear: Firstly, I was wondering if it was some sort of glitch that was re-posting comments from weeks ago. Secondly, I have a lot of respect for soldiers and their families (which actually includes my family, I have a cousin serving in Afghanistan), but your original comment also comes off as a little "what about…
@mandabear: Didn't you post this same exact comment ON Veteran's Day? Why are you posting it again?
@cisum88note: WHAT. Ew.
@HollisMasons pushing miracle whips: Oh! It's Holly Black, haha. She writes YA fantasy.
@HollisMasons pushing miracle whips: I've seen her with a short bob and she's also gorgeous with that. She had a shorter pixie than the one pictured when we met her, and my friend and I (both straight) agreed that she was totally hot.
@rodmanstreet: I'd follow it!
@HollisMasons pushing miracle whips: Yes. Absolutely. This is author Holly Black, who is WAY MORE GORGEOUS in real life than this picture shows. She rocks it.
@Jessybessy: with or without animals: Aw, I'm sorry. I have a feeling I'll be posting a lot of comments like this throughout the holiday season.
@whoneedslight: It's pretty disrespectful, for sure. I agree with the other commenter that there's no real equivalency, but I would be very offended and hurt if that happened to me.
@lolita7b3: I don't think that would have upped the rating at all, actually. You see a lot of people die and get tortured and can still get a PG-13, they usually rate sex much more strongly than violence.
@lolita7b3: I'm about to leave the house now, but my thoughts are here ([accioyabooks.wordpress.com] at my blog and also all over my Tumblr. If you comment at the blog or here I'll respond later tonight.
@Sandra Dee: YES. I love Fringe! This season has been fucking amazing.