
@Miss Chaotic: I love Miyazaki! I want to say Ponyo is my favorite, but that's just because I haven't seen any of the others in a long time, and Ponyo was frakking adorable.

@AJ: It gets better! And then it also gets worse at one point, but keep watching. It's worth it.

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: Seconding this. Also get the Mario Galaxy games, they'll blow your mind (and are very puzzle-y).

Now playing

@la.donna.pietra: Isn't it great? This one really makes me want to cry, it's so beautiful (and mercifully, seems pretty Autotune-free). It's from the upcoming Christmas episode.

@formerlygypsypirate: You just take phone calls? Weird. Is this an indie bookstore, by chance? Phone customers are always super fun — we have one guy who always calls wanting various obscure books, in Spanish, despite the fact that many of them have not been published in Spanish at all. And he can never hear anything

@Leucadia: I check this site DAILY. That and the comics Retail and Mike the Bookseller help get me through the day.

People need to learn about personal space. I was helping this woman at work today and she kept LEANING AGAINST ME, trying to look at my computer screen as I was helping her find a book. She was also the least helpful person ever — "I need a birthday book for my grandson!" Can you be more specific? I have about 500

Yes! I just started following Lazy Book Reviews on tumblr because of her Harry Potter and Twilight reviews, which are hilarious.

@sisipie: Me toooo. It's my favorite.

Oh, isn't that cute. Every time Roommate walks into the apartment, or out of his room, he's on the phone. I guess it's passive-aggressive note time.

@Carlos the Dwarf: They tend not to stay as securely clasped. And they confuse BoyBookling.

@boxspelunker: I don't have any terribly relevant advice to give — I've had bad experience with a FWB-type relationship, but that doesn't mean you will. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time. No one deserves to feel like their body is wrong or broken, and I hope you find someone who

@Ginger Gal: I love this gif! That's one of the funniest things Ross has ever done, IMO.

@Ann Veal: And him and Blaine can sing adorable duets together all the time! Yay!

@Kit Cloudkicker: YAY DALTON'S ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. McKinley High, get on that shit.

@bookling: Yeah, he's totally transferring to Dalton.