
@Penny: Aww! Glad you're both doing well.

@sofas.chairs: Were you going to argue yes or no? Because depending on your criteria, I think you could argue either way. It obviously has some Christian themes and whatnot, but I wouldn't say that J.K. Rowling ever set out to write a "Christian" book.

@snacktastic: I am SO JEALOUS of poutine and Canadian (and British) potato chip flavors. Not so much of milk in bags, though.

@intangiblemango: I love that the category is "convenience fish" — for when you need fish on the go!

@cleo_le_fay: Hmm. The Body. Hush. Doppelgangland?

@Strict: His air-piano playing won me over.

@Strict: I LOVE Hank Azaria. When the show was still airing I was totally Team David The Scientist Guy, because he was so sweet and I loved him from the first season he was in. But now I am all about the Rudd.

@girlinthegarden: I loooooove the blooper reel for that one! They can't stop laughing!

@girlinthegarden: It's Regina Phalange. I think the first episode she uses it in is the one in Vegas, where Joey finds his identical hand twin. Phalanges are actually the bones in your fingers and toes.

@RiotGrrrl: That's pretty much what I had to do, but I managed to get the whole cork out. Now I got my drink on!

@BicuriousShoes: Are you sure? Check the special features. There's usually one episode with commentary on each disc.

@Ginger Gal: YES. I'm a dork and I watch all the commentary on the DVDs, and they're always talking about the audience reactions. Like, when Danny DeVito was the stripper at Phoebe's bachelor party, they said they had the outside of the set hidden so the audience didn't know who it was, and they went CRAZY when he

@alg3561: I did that last year!