
@erinna: OH GOD WHY. Why would anybody make that video.

@The Faery Goth Mother: You don't have to do the ones with cheesy props, do you? Luckily I got to skip those and just did the standard leaning-on-elbow pose.

@artemis_moon: There was a whole post about it on the main page.

I would really like the tweet about Jim Carrey's penis to not be at the top of the page anymore. My life was better before I read that.

@Jessybessy: with or without animals: I AM SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING THIS. I will probably keep them open in one tab all night while thinking about how wise it is to spend $40 on shoes right now.

@Jessybessy: with or without animals: The first ones! I actually want those RIGHT NOW. I saw a similar pair at Payless last year and didn't get them, and I was never able to find ones like them again.

@WorldsMeanestMom: I'm reading Robin McKinley's new book Pegasus! Excellent so far.

@redfuzzyllama: I'm pretty sure that if it says no subletting in your lease, you could get in trouble for subletting.

@Ginger Gal: I have no idea! It had been around for a while, it was kind of a legend. One of the health teachers also made her kids go out and buy a package of condoms as an assignment, I guess to try to alleviate the embarrassment and also to make sure everyone had condoms! I didn't have her, but my brother did the

@Ginger Gal: Ha, that's great. In sex ed in high school we had "Woody" — basically a wooden dildo (although nobody would have called it that) that we used to practice putting condoms on.

@SarsDoesn'tSave: Yeah, I learned the hard way that if there's even a tiny bit of meat or meat juice remaining in the kitchen, it will stink to high heaven the next day. And then the smell will linger. I don't really know what else you can do — how long has it been since you opened the windows and turned on the fan?

@Origamido: Oh god, you're right. *facepalm*

@vox_rowan: BYOTP? I did not realize the public toilet situation was so different in China. That definitely makes the finger sleeve sound a little more practical.