I have great hair. Rest of me is pretty lumpy and 45yo. Sometimes I get catcalled from behind and I enjoy turning round and silencing them with a look
I have great hair. Rest of me is pretty lumpy and 45yo. Sometimes I get catcalled from behind and I enjoy turning round and silencing them with a look
I’m starting to think that founding a country on the basis of wanting to make up your own religion could have been a bad plan
That stinks. Random internet hug from random internet stranger.
Am with you. Wish so much that it happened less often - but the way to doing this is not to ban abortion but to ensure pregnancies are wanted ones and that when child is born support (financial, societal, medical, employment etc) is there for the parent(s).
Are you visiting Sicily as part of your trip? Etna and Stromboli are much more interesting volcano-wise than Vesuvius, and Sicily is a very interesting contrast to northern Italy
You made me snort with laughter on the train
Quick Catholic swottiness here. 😉 Jesus is both God and the Son of God. God is the Holy Trinity: Father, Son (Jesus)and Holy Ghost - as one being. Explained by (I think) St Patrick through the analogy of a cloverleaf - three separate parts of one single being.
Whenever I see a Murdoch story I like to roll out my story about him: he held up the publication of a corporate document because he was concerned that the professional (i.e. Not unflattering) photo of him made him look fat. We had to retouch his tummy out and never mind the deadline... very delicate fee fees...
Anyone here going to protest in London?
Baking! Find a recipe that has stuff in you love (choc, dried fruit, coconut etc) and that isn’t too faffy and you’re away. I can send you some links if you tell me what you’re into taste wise!
I loved this!!!
ADHD? Seeking constant stimulus?
That I like!
Monogrammed thermos syndrome
*goes off to find this on youtube*!!
I did a day blacksmithing today. Hitting hot metal and transforming into actually rather attractive things. Making something is a great way to get out of a bad space
Ours are Dolly and Gerald. I like the fact they sound like a couple with whom we play bridge.
Came here to say pregnancy or menstruation app. Definitely a “woman’s monthly” thing
My ex-boss punched Clarkson (over a girl JC was treating badly apparently). Because I have drunk wine I somehow feel this makes ex-boss good person squared