
Adrian Peterson told reporters, “That was a new one for me. It was different.”

Cheers to Lauren and Laura for 1. calling this asshole out and 2. being able to publicly laugh it off.

I agree. This was just a Loccident waiting to happen. 

Marky Mark left in the 7th.

Not understanding cultural context is normal after a few days camping in the whites.

I don’t think this Ureña/Acuña feud is even close to over, let’s at least wait tilde end of this series.

“former student”



He self identifies as a shortstop though! 

While the Wired article does link to a few actual studies, the delivery studies are nice but ultimately insufficient, since the activity of enzymes delivered was not proven. The Lancet article where they showed topical creams containing T4N5 was effective should be taken with the giant caveat that they were used on

I said, ‘Tristan, we ain’t cut the same’

Godspeed, Ed. Here’s hoping you and Mrs. Ed are having a swell time.

My best, Ed

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

the ’Tics played smarter

If Glover’s wife was the one arrested, why did his mother pose for the mug shot?

This is the only correct choice.
