
I can respect a villain whose entire drive is “I’m going to make my entire house a murder-puzzle-box explicitly to fuck with Mormon missionaries.”  Like, it’s niche, but let him cook.

Skynet is embarrassed by the state of his ancestors in 2024.  

Hustlers was good too. 

i mean his story is done. hes beyond the Wall away from the bullshit of the 7 6 Kingdom. hes one of the few characters who deserves a happy ending.

The only way a proper GoT sequel is going to happen is if GRRM finishes the last two ASoIaF novels (big if) and Warner Bros. decides to pull a Snyder Cut on the final seasons of the show (“Now! See the Epic Conclusion as it was TRULY MEANT TO BE!”).

I’ve never seen a company get it so wrong with one collectible popcorn bucket, and hit it out of the park with another (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire) popcorn bucket just a few weeks later.


How is Mechanical Turk “humans in disguise” when it was quite open about what it was?

Wow, and this didn’t even touch some of the hardware fakery like mElon’s lame robot that can only due human movement mimicking, which is nothing new by a longshot.

I agree, it is a fire extinguishing system. But it isn’t marketed as an extinguisher. Nor does it operate like one, or apparently suffer pressure loss like one.

That was my thought, until I went to their web site and read the product description.

At 1:26 and the very end — is that the intro to an epic version of “The Man Who Sold the World”? If so, I hope it’s on the soundtrack!

Maybe Shady Sands is built atop the ruins of a pre-war city with the same name? Anyways, I’m not really prepared to claim the show has “shit the bed” based on 12 frames of footage not looking exactly like this:

Can’t really say I’m surprised. Rooster Teeth have been in zombie mode since 2019/20 when all their skeletons got dragged out of the closet. It was only a matter of time before they closed, but it’s a shame that WB gets a tax write-off for doing it.

“Hey Jerry, can you text your mother to see if she wants to buy Rooster Teeth? Fuck it, too much effort. At least we tried.”

What happened to you, Yakko? You used to be cool.

Warner Bros. had apparently tried to sell Rooster Teeth rather than shutter it, but was unsuccessful

The hyperbolic headline and butchering of the original quote sure makes it sound like full episodes were going to be filmed vertically (which makes no sense for the tv viewing public), when in reality hbo was proposing short “mini” episodes filmed vertically.

I have played the game , and thats a very Guardians of the Boarderlands Squad version of it . Having said that if the movie is like the trailer looks like something I’d enjoy watching.But I’ve a sneaking suspicion that Blanchett and Curtis are going to be doing some heavy lifting in bringing up the review scores by

I’ve never played the game but the trailer has some heavy “Guardians of the Galaxy” influence.