
I know you are joking but if that idea gets picked up, scorpions will appear in your home

With the Twins there is sure some obvious henchmen for Two-Face, but friends, those guys got some personality they would do much better as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum for the Mad Hatter, preferable one not surrendered to his Alice tendencies.

Not that I mind using taxpayer money on exploring the prospects of the noble project of murdering mosquitos for good*, but from the right side it can be spun out to have silly name and the left might have ecological hiccups about it, so appealing to two billionairs that want to use the money before they die, might be

well there is likely ecologically issues with that, but we should consider the idea, throw some gates money after it 

But likely far more expensive both to live in and move to, superpowered fights is murder on the housing mass and Metropolis likely also see more well off and recourseful people move there because you are more likely to be saved in a catastrophic event and well its a better city which creates a bigger demand on housing.

As a guy not particular muscular, I did notice a potential pitfall in letting the challenge be wholly strength based, when I first saw it.

Makes me think, if Gotham is New York at night , Metropolis is New York at day and Blüdhaven is Gothams New Jersey, what is Metropolis New Jersey?

My working theory about people wanting to live in Gotham is: Low taxes, low housing costs, job openings and few regulations/high corruption , think about it, one billionaire is more or less keeping all the services running on an acceptable level , sure some of the other rich people donate a bit at all those fundraiser

Still tantalizing close to the conceptual possibilty of Batfleck playing up against an imp fanboy.

Pace definitely wouldnt be hurt by being tighten up, and that is something every going into this should know, but it did produce a lot laughs from me. And Batmite is somewhere in this disjointed universe that is DC live universe so that nice.  

Well that is an interesting podcast, provided Ken havent drowned and left his dead body and cursed shares to his poor kid to find and inherit 

A week or two ago there was someone suggesting that Kendall would end up with confessing his manslaughter in order to take Roy down with him and I like I guess most people didnt think that was likely , but man Ken is scraping the emotional bedrock here, and I am not sure if that option isnt beginning to become

It annoys my appendix that Ace got powers and the pig is not a kangaroo 

Reading on their website it seems they operate with 2 sizes of satellites 20 and 200 kg, so the intended payload delivered into orbit do seem to be 200 kg heavy satellites at some point, they dont however write much about the rocketsystem bringing it into orbit , you see an animation of with 2 stages and they write

Yeah that is a small island, which means the family had it coming, you do not go out in the forest or other places away from the main town outside the tourist season when you are on a small Danish island.

Well thing is , some people have that storage either at home or already rented , some people might argue if you got the kinda car to roam the country side there is also a good chance you got the storage to put it away. I am saying if you are “that guy” with the roof tent with the rooftent on the 340 days a year that

cant you have it taken off, and stored where you store your summer/winter tires 

Connor had a good streak of intelligence and empathy, right up to the donuts, in this episode. Also I love that these children ran home to daddy right after they concluded he probably wouldnt poison the grandkids.

Okay, sure those dolphins must be bored, being the only two sea creatures onboard, but damn they were thirsty.

Given the windmills look somewhat strange I dont think it is our earth one to one , so I guess they explain it away with believing the bones are dinosaurs or something