
Great episode, but Star Fleet really need to do something about that assignment chart of theirs, this is the second episode where a third party fiddled with someones assignment.

Yeah I can think of 3-4 DC villains he would nail, but I have my doubts about Batsy

I really want that model of the Cerritos, even if it should end with decapitating me. Alone those mini figs of Mariner and Boimler...

Now playing

there was this silly Danish show more or less built up around the Volvo Amazon channeling the blues brothers

Part of the story is also that Mærsk have been selling carbon neutral container transport, which in reality means they reduce the carbon emission equal with the amount of containers they transport that way. That apparently have proven more popular, than they expected and they are close to have exhausted the more

Ehh, I am not too fond of it, like let him be bi, but Tim/Steph is too big part of Tim Drake to let it go to the wayside which as much some people want to claim otherwise is a real risk.

So you are saying the rocket is not gonna land on the moon ;)

Crocodiles and alligators tend to live on the same carcass for quite some time, they often prefer the meat being very ripe

Because I was replying to a guy on his comment on RRs ease of getting impressed with the more relevant real world example, and I was too lazy to copy it all nice looking and all.

President Ronald Reagan watched the film more than a month before its screening, on Columbus Day, October 10, 1983.[29] He wrote in his diary that the film was “very effective and left me greatly depressed,”[30][26] and that it changed his mind on the prevailing policy on a “nuclear war”.[31] The film was also

I was waiting for Ronald Reagan abruptly changing policy due to something he saw on tv

Considering the design havent landed yet without exploding, I dont think you can call critics of the design concern trolls.

So what is the over under on this thing keeling over on the moon?

What a lovely exemplification of this chart

I know, but it is still on the long side for a treatment around here, of course she could have been using estrogen in years before or using semisketchy natural remedies, But thats outside my knowledge

As far I understand the Danish case and the Norwegian cases, its more complicated than just a blood clot, but the danish woman was 60 which is a tad old for birth control pills and other estrogen drugs. Might fit the Norwegians who described as youngish

I think the problem is too many pages and no editing , but I cant let a good Henry V/ Agincourt reference go unstared