Deep Down Inside I'm Really Shallow

Notch’s predilection for fedoras was a giant red flag from the get-go...

I was here pre-regristration, but not before they added threading. Y’all remember titling your comments though? That was fun. A lot of good joke opportunities lost in the switch to disqus.

OMG a fellow orange box rememberer?

Back in the old old times, in the long long ago, there was that beautiful gimmick poster that would respond to himself with call signs from this dumb series. How many of us have died in the commenting platform change wars? How many more of us will? WHEN WILL THE VIOLENCE END?!

Those were the days that they aired Missing in Action

Yeah, when I was a kid I used to rank action films by the actual amount of total action scenes in them—Top Gun really only had one actual battle at the end where they down a couple MIGs, the rest was just training or flying around. Iron Eagle cut to the chase and gave the people what they wanted, fighter jets blowing

When I was 9, It was better than Top Gun because it didn’t have all that goopy romance stuff Top Gun had. It just had awesome dogfights and explosions! And also Goose didn’t die in this one! (Yes, that’s how my 9-year-old logic worked)

[whispering to cat while watching Iron Eagle when Louis Gossett Jr first appears on the screen]
That’s Chappy.

I somehow saw the first one as a six-year-old media-hungry child. I also somehow claimed it was better than “Top Gun” to any kid at my daycare who would listen. I had hard opinions.

Iron Eagle was the movie that made me want to be a fighter pilot ... I am not a fighter pilot.

As a kid, we had the first one on videotape. I would wake up early every Sunday morning and watch it by myself. I can’t imagine how many times I have seen it. I can’t bring myself to rewatch it because of how awful I’m sure it is now.

These movies were difficult to get through even on cable. yuck. they span my 17-26 years and they do capture the “patriotism” of the time. Even Tom Clancy novels and Bond movies suffered after the Soviet Union Fell.

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

Come now, he means the CONSERVATIVE’S First Amendment: I have the right to say whatever I want, wherever I want and face zero consequences. If anyone objects to this, then they are the real racist/sexist/fascist/insert word.

Do you really think things have gotten better since Trump Jones Spencer etc have brought this stuff to the surface?

Talking to idiots like Jones just legitimizes them.

He makes money from YouTube. They’re threatening to shut off the tap if he can’t use the channel responsibly. They are a mall and he operates a store in it. They are fully able to kick him out if he’s selling dangerous or terrible shit. Because it threatens the mall’s integrity and that of their other stores. He still

The problem is:

Nothing is stopping them from “going after” left-wing journalists or anyone else. Like you said, they are a private company and get to decide what they want and don’t want to be affiliated with. They can block every journalist they want, but, “First they came for Alex Jones, then they came for Lester Holt” is a really

Good. The sooner they shut the shit down on this clown, the better. With “free speech” comes responsibility. Literally making shit up and presenting it as “truth” isn’t “entertainment”, it’s straight up spreading rumors and lies, and is actually causing real harm to people (including the idiots that believe it