Deep Down Inside I'm Really Shallow

Playing the blame game is simple. As a white male, former catholic, former GOP voter, I can say that I drank the conservative kool aid for years. Introspection, questioning assumptions, testing facts and most importantly, listening helped me see the error in my ways. Growing up with and being surrounded by hard-line

As a firmly anti Trump white person, I have to insist that while all racists voted for Trump, not all Trump voters are racists

Isn’t it funny that we can never talk about this for fear of offending those very white people? When the crime rate was sky high, the media and white people couldn’t stop talking about the pathology of blackness that they believed caused that crime spike. I wonder why white people are so fragile and cannot look at the

It might be theater - at least in part - but that’s a lot of what politics has become. Trump won* in part because of the way he played emotional theater, and for better or worse many of the key political debates in the US revolve around theatrics.

Maybe the kids can tackle campaign finance reform next.

Yes, changed the gun laws but still allow the police to stop and frisk a man with a BA and an MA from Johns Hopkins cause he’s black. Fuck you.

No, the reason we are here is that the majority of white people hate/fear people of color, people who are LGBTQIA, and non-Christians

The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.

Timequake is late Vonnegut so it gets overlooked in favour of the classics, but I sat and read it cover to cover in a friend’s living room the day I bought it.

Throwing Copper and Secret Samadhi are the only Live albums that hold up, really. After “The Dolphin’s Cry” it was all downhill.

That was the first book of his that I read,on recommendation of a colleague, I was hooked after that.

I’ve recently been listening to David Gilmour’s live stuff. The back half of Live in Gdansk essentially acts a last act for Pink Floyd, as Richard Wright joined Gilmour for the tour (along with long time Pink Floyd session players like Guy Pratt). There’s an amazing version of Echoes which serves as a very

I’ve always found it a very interesting album - at the time it seemed like the most Trent Reznor thing in the world, (“here’s a live album I’ve spent over a year in the studio assembling from every track on every live date we did this tour”).

Ween - Live at Stubb’s

It think it’s “assembled” only in that it consists of recordings from different nights, not that it had lots of stuff that was faked live in the studio like Kiss’ Alive.

Also, wonderful avatar. I’m halfway through a re-read of Slaughterhouse Five (it’s been 10+ years, so it is almost entirely fresh) and it is an amazing read. I often slog through the books that I know enrich me, but S5 is a joy to read. 

Does Nine Inch Nails - And All That Could Have Been count as a live album due to the multi-track tinkering?

And All That Could Have Been is a great NIN record. It captures the bands golden era quite well and it’s got a kick ass set list.

Work on a MJ farm in Humboldt County? If by “work” they meant “look hot in yoga pants and open a boutique in Old Town” then it would make sense.

A manic pixie who works at a marijuana farm? She’s a THC Tinkerbell.