Deep Down Inside I'm Really Shallow

Getting worse every week.  If Noel has his way (stray comments) it will end the season with Peter becoming a billionaire with his invention of interdimensional craigslist for all those missed connections. 

Although I have only the demo on which to base my judgement, I would say that it is much more like Fable than Elder Scrolls.  And I really wish people would stop saying it is "open world" when the collection of "zones" with invisible walls clearly prove that it is not.  The combat was decent, but the experience of the

I have to agree with Sad Vader that this wasn't a great episode.  For me it was another sci-fi stock plot, which wasn't even pulled off particularly well, and I also think that the last few minutes may have just accelerated my trajectory of apathy for this show.  I keep watching because I used to like talking about

Is this news timed to honor the anniversary of her birth?  She would have been 107 today, if not for the socialist medical care she received as a naturalized citizen that doomed to her to an early grave.  If capitalism had won, she would have received better care an been alive to see these movies honor her wonderful

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus I too find myself having the most trouble with some of the sexual assault and torture, but also just the overall bleakness of it.  It reminds me of how I felt reading "The Road" when my first born was less than two years old.  It really starts to make me feel bad about

You lost a letter grade, I lost a UNIVERSE!

I loved it.  But at the end of the day that is coming from a Philosophy major who got an intellectual hard-on when John's surname was first mentioned.  It went well with the Humboldt redwoods and other assorted agricultural products of that area as well.

I also consider myself a fan, but I think it is a toss up for me between Frances and Bedlam as to which I like the least.  I think both of those albums have some great content that suffers from being surrounded by noise.

Based on your previously stated affinity for American Psycho I can't understand why you didn't make it all the way through.  Just replace long monologues about Phil Collins and Whitney Houston with descriptions of house crests and, maybe hooker rape with incest, and you have virtually the same book, right?

Sorry.  I refuse to 674 discussions before asking, "Where the fuck is Archer?"  I was also happy to see Bioshock Infinite at the end as I was starting to worry that the AV Club as my only legitimate support group/friends were going to let me down and cast me back into the lonely darkness in which I dwelt before the

I liked all four that I played that are on the list.  I would probably put them in order as:

I think this post has officially made me gay for O'Neal.

We had to read Siddhartha in my Advanced (but not AP) English senior year.  We also read Heart of Darkness and had to write a compare and contrast essay with Apocalypse Now, which was screened in class after we finished the book.  Sometimes I miss 1996.

Didn't Eddie Fisher do that with Liz Taylor?  Granted Taylor's husband died, but Fisher "consoled her with his penis" according to his daughter-Princess Leia

That would actually be "Exit Music (For A Film)"  and I hope you all choke, that you choke, that you cho-oke.

That would actually be "Exit Music (For A Film)"  and I hope you all choke, that you choke, that you cho-oke.

How appropriate to get firstie Cancer-Aids on an article about Patton Oswalt.

Agreed.  But if I had to remove one for the sake of getting Spinal Meningitis on the list, it would be the HIV Song.

My 11th grade English teacher got us all interested (maybe only me) in poetry by telling us that Howl had been banned for obscenity before rolling it out for us read, unabridged.
I thanked him with a fire of desire and a longing for meaning in the shallow halls of my teenage despair.
I became his student and found

I must agree and lament my 4 year old son's obsession with this film.  At least I can watch the Clone Wars series with him and not feel like my childhood has been completely raped.