Deep Down Inside I'm Really Shallow

"Ocean and Land
Ocean is land covered in water" Woman and Man is awesome.

1. The Mollusk
2. All Request Live
3. Chocolate and Cheese
4. Quebec
5. God Ween Satan

Fuck! I even hit refresh, or so I thought. At any rate, this is pretty awesome and I would agree with the order as it was C&C and The Mollusk that stuck with me when I first picked up six albums in one shot through BMG or some such around 2001 after hearing the wonderment of LMLYP. Then GWS and Quebec was the first

Is it true?
Firstie on a Ween article. And my first firstie at that? All of my dreams have come true.

Damn rouge question marks. Where is Louie?

Speaking of the "Best Comedy" category, where is Louie. I appreciate that he got a nod for acting, but that is more of a stretch than just acknowledging the show as the funniest live-action program on TV, save for maybe Community.

Thanks for the reminder to refresh before I try to claim a firstie and the additional reminder of how pointless it is to try to defend one's honor on the internet.

The only reason, as stated in the article, is if the theater fails to provide the basic experience of a clean, distraction free experience. I would rather be the first person to ask for some money back because of all the ads I had to watch before the movie began.

I started noticing him after John from Cincinatti (I didn't watch Deadwood) and I'm glad that had that show here, but what about the serial killers? No Burn Notice or Life?

That was Cyril, not Krieger.

You can complain about the plots of the later seasons all you want, but nothing touches the fappage of Serena Southerlyn (even though she turned gay in her exit episode) and Connie Rubirosa. I watched for Jack's holier than thou horsehit and to see those two hotties look good in pantsuits (cause that shit is fiction).