
But oh, yeah, Kanye’s totally being discriminated against in the fashion world based on race, not talent. (massive eyeroll)

My husband and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this week, so I’m gonna go ahead and give some sage advice.

From the looks of it you should have browned the meat a little more. Other than that, looks good!

I would like to keep Bieber, his dick, his music, pictures of him or his dick, and anything about him or his music as far away from me as possible.

It’s sad that none of the others can.

I was the female equivalent of a “beta” (i.e. no dates, no boyfriends) for ages. My thought process: “What’s wrong with me?” Not my thought process: “hey, let’s kill some people.”

Yeah, but those kind of people don’t skip bail. That shows a kind of knowledge that you did something wrong.

I think that’s one fugly dress.

Some of the anti-redness primers (Sephora sells several) work pretty nicely at cancelling out the red spots. They are usually green. I know it seems weird but I am a ghost with redness on my face and that’s my best combo.

Neutrogena pink grapefruit anti-acne face cleanser. I tried switching this summer and it was NOT good.

This piece doesn’t paint a fair picture. Read the Wired article. Other people were transferring large sums to her, and she was then withdrawing $9500 at a time to send to her “boyfriend.” This wasn’t just a case of her being taken for her own money.

Hell, sue her ass as well. It’s a slam-dunk. Medical bills at least.

Don’t get too riled up over this. Rush is losing markets right and left. In markets where he’s been dropped by a major station, if possible his syndicator shifts him to any station they own, no matter how small and unpopular. His days are counting down.

I’m a lawyer, and I’d save my dogs.

I am a white lawyer and I’m telling you the same thing. Your dad is so right.

Well, no more internet for me today. I’m going to curl up with my dogs and take a valium.

We already have barriers to free speech. The Supreme Court has already ruled otherwise. Wikipedia is your friend.

The people were certainly more helpful than the DMV back where I moved from.

Have they stopped printing “Are you there God, it’s me, Margaret?”

So is it me, or does the guy on the right look just like the weaselly idiot Dewey in Justified? Seems from this he’s about as bright and upstanding, too.