So charlie sheen is out of the running then
So charlie sheen is out of the running then
Awesome reply!!!
Good advice, but unfortunatley there are people out there that would friend them anyway. People will do anything to get extra lives on candy crush.
You all seem to be having such a "miserable" time.
I am convinced that 50 shades of grey, the twilight books and all other books of the like were written at a downtown Denny's between 12am and 4am under the influence of Moons over my hammy and bad coffee.
Love this!!!! No need to say more
just proves that if you are cute you are given a pass for certain things.
this is insane. And men wonder why its so diff to find a decent woman.
He's fantastic Live as well. How many artists could do what he does in full costume changes and still be as accurate musically. Britney Spears can't even do one show without lipsyncing it.
Say hi to your mother for me Ok
If you look really hard you'll see Truman....Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
I loved this speech, cancer or no cancer. I was coming home form work and was listening to ESPN on the Radio and listened to the broadcast. I had to pull over and finish listening. It made me think and almost drove me to tears without even seeing a second of the speech. I wasn't even aware of the situation with Mr.…
Which is more fictional here? The unicorn or the "angelic" Paris Hilton. Quandry for the ages.
Love the mascots!!!
He also probably has a Cubs 2003 champs one as well. some people just like tattoos.
Do Sweet potato fries count on this list or are they the red headed stepchild of the french fry community?
I agree those fries were rancid....everybody just said hey we have this new microwave we need to "cook" with it. Further proof that the microwave is not for everything. Just reheating things at the office and making popcorn.
interesting concept to say the least.
Bring it On!!!!
someone please let Suarez know about this.