love the name!!
love the name!!
I agree fellow Jays fan. He's a class guy and hate to see him out of the game and replaced by that piece of garbage A-Rod. maybe the yankees will finish dead last next year and we can just sit back and enjoy the ride.
SO happy the giants lost.
I agree with the whole dont eat out if you cant afford to tip thing. But you have no idea what kind of service he received or if he was treated differently in some way. My advice to the server would have been to keep the receipt and sell it on ebay for probably more than he would have received anyway. But I'd like to…
People just live in plain sight. I don't know who the people on the most wanted list are so I can imagine that they would just be out there doing normal things.
Maybe they figured you could figure it all out in like thirty minutes and they didn't want to go through all this trouble just to have you take over and win it all before enough adult beverages could be consumed.
Saying shes the Hot One is the equivalent to someone looking into a pile of cockroaches and saying one is the biggest
Naked pics of Bea Arthur......Outstanding!!!!
except for her...not happy at all
This could also be a How "not to" blog posting....these are some scary yet dumb cheaters.
This is what Wendy's salads look like. You were robbed!!
Great group photo Mark....its like the welcome wagon at typhoid mary's house.
Is there a record for least amount of talent ever assembled in one room?
or how about the quarter for her. head on one side, her tail on the other side.
The education I just received cannot be found in any book.
how was he supposed to catch the ball? With one hand and just swing around. Thats where the ball was thrown to him. and it really wasn't at home plate but off to the left.
the blind bedazzler is back
thank you for this. I really want to share this with someone
why not just put cream cheese on both sides of the bagel. Messy but effective