
Are you responsible for giant spider creation at work? or is that a different division? I heard the same thing. We'll know it's effect when we get a four foot pineapple.

film preferito?

How big are the spiders out there. Has the radiation from the Japan meltdown finally affected the wildlife? What do you use to catch a mouse? A refridgerator box?

Un umanitaria alle creature grandi e piccole.

I sepnt a lot of time at the movies that summer.

Let's all go out to Blockbuster and rent them......wait a minute, we can't anymore.

Very funny!!

A loss would have been devistating. One point keeps us in contention to move on. Ask Spain if they would prefer a draw over a loss?

dovete scoprire alcune rocce per trovare le gemme. Watching the game?

to fai lo stesso. Soon sicuro che I'll mondo Sara in posto migliore con te su di esso

yes a lot do

warm very nice perfect day to go and explore

se non vedi altri difetti.....

hows CA tonight

elogio Ben meritato

sembri molto luminoso

congrats. You are, dare I say "genius"

Come è stato il richiamo? tutto quello che speravamo e più?

not a great thing but they should advance.

costa rica up 1-0 at half