
I'm actually surprised that anyone showed up to my wedding because I have no idea how most of them got their invitations. Let me back up, my husband is from India, and it is pretty much standard to invite every single family member no matter how distant to a wedding (third cousin twice removed included). Now of

Owl Qaeda

You're right, nothing racist about Charlie Hebdo. And before you hit me with that tired "But you don't understand the coooontext of that cartoon. They were making fuuuun of the racists. France is a completely different cuuuulture," kindly have a preemptive go fuck yourself.

Saying that girls turn into psychopaths upon puberty is really, really offensive, as is most of this thread, which is rife with stereotypes.

I posted about this yesterday in the other jez story about baby boxes in Korea. Jane jeong trenka is doing great work in Korea. Check her out:

One time I asked this girl I knew to the senior prom.

1994, suburbs of Chicago, summer before my senior year of high school. I'm a sexually frustrated 17 year old gay boy and my parents have left me home alone so I'm having a party - nothing outrageous - with my friends. My 18 year old girl friend has brought the 20 year old dude she's screwing around with and he - in

Me(at a bar, staring at a guy's basket of mozzarella sticks): "You gonna finish that?"

My husband and I met in grad school and didn't hit it off immediately. We got stuck in the same miserable class together on Monday nights. It talked about music history, and one night the instructor went on an endless ramble about Schubert's "syphilis attacks" and kept saying the nonsense phrase "syphilis attacks"

Smiling, trying to hide that I'm sweating nervously, then leaving.

It was a glorious summer day in drawing class so we all went out to the historical cemetery on campus to sketch. I was wearing a red sundress and I decided that I really wanted to get the attention of this one guy I'd been checking out all term.

Speaking of kids and underwear, when I was in kindergarten I had a HUGE crush on my older brother's best friend Sam, a sexy older man in the 4th grade. Every day after school, after Sam and my bro locked themselves in his bedroom to avoid me, I would slide my Little Mermaid panties, one by one, underneath the door.

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.

Sometimes I feel like the conversation around Iggy Azalea crosses the line between genuine criticism and just plain bullying. The way people have been handling this situation is one of those times.

Meanwhile, the delivery boy's sister cackles maniacally.

Harper as a name has been permanently ruined for me by our Prime Minister Stephen Harper. *gag* I can't even humour it being a cute name for a little girl, as it just evokes sweater-vest wearing robo-conservative party leader who needs to just go away.

These comments man…are you fucking kidding me? NO ONE deserves this. It's pathetic that people think this is ok. Dissapointed.

Yes, I have the power to enact travel bands for a huge swath of the globe, and I was 100% serious about doing it.

Just #whitepeople things

ETA: There should be a ban for all white travelers to South/Southeast Asia under the age of 25, especially if they have dreads or hair that appears to be infrequently brushed.