No. No it's not. You ever heard of a hazelnoot?
I haven't read the book yet, but I left the movie feeling like shit for him. Then I read reviews and stuff and everything was referencing the fact that they were both equally unlikable and I kind of cooked my head in confusion and felt like I had stupidly missed some blatant message. Then I shrugged it off and figured…
OMG you are my sister because you just quoted my mother
I'm stuck in this cycle where I place it in my online shopping cart, choose other stuff, go to check out, see my total, think "I don't need to spend $40 on this cup now, I've got tons of tampons!" so I remove it. Two months later I run out of tampons, which I only discover upon starting my period, and have to go buy a…
Well-refined petrolatum is not harmful. IDK about the the unregulated off brand weird shit I'm able to get my hands on here.
Will try! I'm actually pretty sure I've used the smaller ones before.
They are honest to god the largest tampons I've ever seen. I always thought I was a heavy bleeder, but I guess not. I'd try o.b.'s lower absorbency ones, but I'm not in the USA to get them any more.
I don't walk around with a tub of vaseline on me. I don't think I've ever even seen it for sale here. ALSO, I am not putting petroleum products inside my vag.
I've used and loved European applicator free tampons extensively. On my last trip home to the US, I bought a big box of OB Ultra tampons to bring home (tampons where I live are expensive and only come in applicator form). I started my period on Sunday, happily ripped open the OB box, and went to go do my thing and…
Ohhhhh my lord. As one with curly hair, this really made me want to rage-vomit. Shut the fuck up, Dove.
I totally forgot about this until now, but I took a trip with four friends last spring to some nearby island. The island isn't very populated and it was off season, so we had a hard time finding an open place to eat. We ended up at a strange, empty bar/fried chicken and pizza restaurant. We order some soju and beer…
Oh god I was in the same situation about six years ago. The dumb dumb dumbest things I did were to continue talking to him regularly and relent when he insisted on coming out to visit me anyway. I thought I was being nice and I thought I was keeping our friendship in tact, but all it did was give him hope that I'd…
Ouch that's a fresh break up. Your outlook and attitide is awesome and admirable, though. I hope he's able to straighten his mind up. Moms can screw up the best of us.
I wish. This has been going on for more than a year. Shameful, I know.
You all are giving me the right advice- the exact advice I'd give any one of my friends- but...it's so haaaaaarrrrrrd.
Totally totally true and that's something I try to live my life by, but in my most ridiculous of fantasies he takes me to the airport and just as I'm about to go through security he confesses his love for me and I'm like overwhelmed with happiness and then the record scratches and I'm like "why in THE EFF would you…
Can you read? I SPECIFICALLY stated that I understood the plight of people that had responsibility thrust upon them and said I was talking about people who I knew were on a level playing field with me.
I'm about to move to another country but I'm in love with a friend in my current country and I might die if I don't tell him but the idea of telling him makes me want to throw up AND I think it would be unfair to tell him right before jumping on a plane and leaving. Urgst.
Yes. The one leg up that I was given was that I got through university without any debt. This means I have a degree and no loans to pay, which is a massive privilege, but it didn't mean I was Scrooge McDucking my way through piles of gold coins. I had no money. I started life post-uni exactly at zero, and did what I…