

It’s biggest ass kompetition

Hard to believe one sex tape in (showing two people who are terrible at having sex) unleashed this hell upon us.

Sent by the alien overlords to cripple our young and destroy our dwellings!

Sometimes you forgive because it's what's best for you, personally. You don't always forgive for the other person.

I’ve never really heard anything about this guy as a person. I’ve only heard people say his music sucks, with no comment on his problems or personality. I think that’s alright.

C’mon Maddie, I’m a big boy and can manage two contrary emotions at once. Creed was a shitty band. I wish Scott Stapp the best in dealing with his addiction and mental illness.

Music can suck while the human beings behind it are still human and deserving of sympathy and compassion.

Nope still really, really easy. Your rockstar drug addiction was to...adderall?

Or like, why would you post that in the first place unless you were losing a Republican primary badly or had a really small penis?

This this this. Posted about this in the comments of another article. There is been no trial, there has been no verdict. People need to stop using those words.

The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s

Right? The well-that-escalated-quickly is strong with this one. And it almost could have been funny. Almost. “I drank so much I thought I was Australian. Then I kept drinking and thought I was...

Dear Madonna..

Yeah, I in no way believe him and I don’t believe anyone does, but it just seems like the weakest fucking excuse. Not even an excuse with holes, just a giant hole itself.

I would argue that she just can’t move her face any more.

This. If she misses him (and she probably really does) maybe give him a call, send him a letter, an email, facetime... whatever, but keep it between the two of you, this isn’t the time/place to share with your fans.

Also her phrasing seems off, implying that he currently isn’t the boy he used to be “so blinding and full of love” and saying he should go back to that person. Like the boy doesn’t want to spend time with you for a reason, guilt tripping “WHY CANT IT JUST BE LIKE IT USED TO BE” doesn’t help. She's a parent now, kids

Seriously. So embarrassing. Why does she have to drag this (and him) out in public? Sometimes I think she’s emotionally stunted, like never grew out of her teenage years.

I really do not think that posting a picture of your son on insta is going to be seen as anything more than publicity and attention grabbing by the very son who does not wish to see you.