
The linked article says the confidentiality agreement contains a provision allowing Constand to speak to law enforcement about Cosby assaulting her in Pennsylvania in 2004, but he’s arguing that now that she lives in Canada she didn’t have to cooperate when PA authorities re-opened their investigation, so her

Yep. It is a common tactic for rich people to sue and use legal action or the threat of it to intimidate people who can’t afford lawyers. Combine that with the morals of a serial rapist, and I doubt anything he does could surprise me. At this point, I fully suspect that the has a lamp made from human skin somewhere in

“Just when we thought Cosby couldn’t sink any lower, he surprises us!”

I was thinking the same thing “What did she do to her face?!” She’s smiling, but her eyes and forehead are, probably too much Botox.

Public display of affection to wayward brother = approx $730,000 in ratings and revenue.

PMK doesn’t get her 10% unless all personal conversations/declarations are posted on Twitter, IG or KUWTK

she is trying to rekrut him back into the klan

What a piece of shit.

I lived in SF from age 24 to age 44. Here’s what no one who still lives there wants to admit: our once-beloved city now belongs very frimly to the Justin Kellers of the world. SF is their city now, and there’s no going back, no saving it. The damage is done. SF is coasting on its amazing history, but this is its

No, but the problem with entitlement, when it’s them they actually need it, everyone else is lazy. This holds true of welfare, any kinda of child support/assistance, unemployment, workers comp, help from friends/family, divorce, being arrested, having an addiction, abortion, getting fired, it’s only valid to them if

This clown. Did he seriously think he wrote some earth-shattering letter that was going to open the eyes of the mayor to something he’d never realized before? Gawd. Must be exhausting carrying around all that self-grandeur!

While the entire piece is unsettling and frustrating, this sentence really stuck out to me:

I’ve been living in SF for over three years, and without a doubt it is the worst it has ever been.

Rio welcomes you!

Rio Olympics motto:

“These athletes are a bunch of coddled pussies. Democrats probably and gayer than a four dollar bill I bet.

I don’t think the book is problematic. I think it is a very smart book written about problematic characters who live in a problematic culture- but I don’t think the book itself is problematic. I think it is sometimes misread, but I think more generally what has happened is that most people think they remember the book

I still can’t bring myself to read “Watchman.” Too many questions about how it came to be published.

I honestly felt bad for Alex Trebek. It was almost like watching the old SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skits at times.