Booger Davis

Man that is one bad ass looking $5000 car.

But can he dance like Carlton?

... and Jesus has a look and can’t figure it out either.

Like the fat bald guy on that Alaskan gold show. Tools, one and all. We’re all going to hell, except those tight asses will have missed out o all the fun.

$65k and the seller didn’t even spring for the upgraded photo pack. Gives me the feeling they know the price is a pipe dream.

I’m siding with the BMW guy as a humorless douchebag. I imagine him in the gym with the eye of tiger feeling all tough and buff, then roid-raging on some goober’s truck. Then I imagine the truck driver walking up at the same time, and waiting on the tough guy to put the bat up and start his self-congratulations, then

Just one?

I can’t be the only person who noticed the wheel was turning just fine right up until the end, right?

Always drag the brake when being towed by a chain or strap so it stays tight and you can’t run over it.

I would have ripped that cocksucker’s ears off.

I remember an experience as a pre-schooler, looking at the door handle and wondering, hey can I open the door if it’s locked? Yep, it popped right open and my grandfather about had a coronary when I did it. This was in the mid 60s though.

I like the way you think

With the Bengals I always expect the worst and am never disappointed.

I’m Bengals fan, and every year I think, man the Reds don’t suck, I should start watching baseball again. Then I realize it’s baseball, so I don’t.

From an article here the other day

Brings to mind an old hillbilly saying “grinning like a shit-eating dog”

Chief Wiggum’s body, Ralph Wiggum’s brain. The perfect politician.

No buzzkill but man it’s hard on a pug to be out in the hot sun. Poor dudes can’t breathe enough to cool off and it’s a deteriorating cycle. That’s why they always look happy with their mouth open and tongue hanging out - they’re actually panting.

It may even save a few marriages.

Not sure what I was expecting, but what a let down.