
It must be terrible for black parents to have to tell their children "Even if you're unarmed, even if you're well-behaved, even if you do everything right, there is still a chance that a white police officer will murder you in the street with your hands up."

The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and

Obama & Socialist Nut jobs...

Obama is not a socialist. I should know. I'M a socialist. Obama is centrist.

I have such mixed feelings about this. Don't get me wrong, rights are awesome. But gay marriage fits really, really well into the conservative idea that the nuclear family is the basic building block of society. There's going to be a lot of people who are ok with you being gay, but only so long as you get married and

What do you mean, how is it a scare tactic? It's a scare tactic because that's the chestnut conservatives autocrats pull out when they want to discourage their employees from actually seeking a living wage — which could be paid for fairly easily if they weren't such greedy fucknuts. It will never happen.

Well, not to the left, anyway.

No turn signals either since it's "not for turning."

Don't forget its iron construction and uncompromising driving style

The Thatcher Edition will feature a safe, windowless design that continually reminds passengers not to look around, that progress is definitely being made.

Also Lionshead tends to be a good $5 a case cheaper then Yuengling.

I'm from Philly. I prefer to drink Lionshead. At least you get a cool puzzle on the cap.

Yuengling: Probably three times better than I give it credit for, and 1/20th as good as their fans claim.

the passionate defense of yuengling is part of the reason it is overrated.


#WomenAgainstFeminism: because I don't know how to get male attention any other way


