Oh, how nice, transphobia AND bi-erasure. Yeah, real winning characterisation here.
Oh, how nice, transphobia AND bi-erasure. Yeah, real winning characterisation here.
Yeah everybody is different and a mental illness won't have the same affects (effects?) for every person. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt here in this situation. Especially since he voluntarily seeked treatment and stayed extra days in rehab Before the judges' verdict (if tmz is to be believed). As long…
How come Chris Brown being diagnosed with Bipolar II, PTSD, & insomnia isn't in here? It was in So many blogs and websites yesterday. It's the actual reason he's still in rehab.
Welcome to ROYGBIV, Jezebel's new spin-off blog for news, commentary, and discussion of LGBT+ topics. Jezebel has…
"this is an imaginative interpretation of Scripture, and not literal"
Have people always been this awful to Kim or am I just noticing this now? That is creepy, sick, and so upsetting. Awful.
The scariest takeaway from this whole thing is that the criminal would've been able to successfully carry out his scheme if he'd not gotten over-ambitious. The fine line is a very frightening place.
I definitely was not one of those people. Its such a more efficient use of the screen.
RIP tiled comments, the one thing KINJA consistently did right.
Now seems as good a time as any to post a link to my favorite Slate article, which discusses the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine as Maoist Propaganda. Give it a read!
I dislike that her rumored bad attitude is being used to dismiss her feelings on her own rape. Also, not to be that black girl, but her comments on not being raised to
be coddled, and being raised to stand on her own two feet have a lot to do with how black women are raised to be survivors of all sorts of abuse and…
I have bad news - even brown people from foreign countries have started putting chemicals into their medicines. To be on the safe side, I'd recommend avoiding any medical treatment invented within the last 500 years.
I think this is the fault of Big Pharma, pumping toxins into our children's bloodstreams. Clearly these kids need to eat more organic food. Also, they need to get some healing crystals. Healing crystals fix everything.
Considering that Gabby is the one that went through that horrifying ordeal, she has the right to deal with it however she sees fit. Unless she's demanding fellow victims to reject victimhood and join her on her rape survivor crusade, I fail to see how she's wrong for deciding that she doesn't want to feel like a…
My scifi inclination is telling me that those anti-vaccer's have allowed the polio virus to incubate and mutate in humans, such that the efficacy of the old vaccine is diminished.
Once software is created, it costs nothing to add a second and third person to the database, well...next to nothing. What you're saying is people with less money should have to pay more money than people with more money, thus causing the people with less money to have even lesser money. Do you work for the government?…
Alec Baldwin is less sad if you imagine Jack Donaghy saying the things that come out of his mouth.
"I won't be in tomorrow, Lemon, I'm being subpoenaed by the Gay Department of Justice."
Apparently, I'm the only one who remembers the circumstances around this sketch on account of my giant girl-crush on Page, but the month or so leading up to the show was full of rumors about how Page was a closeted lesbian. As the show drew close, people openly wondered in the media if Page would use SNL as…
Sometimes, I want to join the Flat Earth Society. Just for those moments at cocktail parties where there's an awkward silence, and no one knows what to say... "So, I'm part of the Flat Earth Society". BAM. Problem solved.