
Thank you for the dose of realism. I find Internet Tough Guy calls for torture and dungeon-style confinement pretty sickening. No one's impressed, guys. The purpose of prison is to keep this person from interacting with the general public in any way. It's working, so I'm happy.

Well ... no, they are both punished and rehabilitated. When I was studying criminology, the USA was basically the example of how not to do criminal justice in every way. You don't think 21 years is just punishment, because you're the nation who is used to seeing drug-users get put away for life. Sorry, your methods

They should put a PC monitor just out of his reach, playing "no" gifs on repeat.

21 years is the maximum sentence in Norway.

HOWEVER, he will never walk free. Detention can be extended by 5 years in special circumstances, and after these 5 years it can be extended again... and again... and again.

That's exactly the WRONG way to think about this. You can't measure this in a relative way to other locker rooms. This is awful behavior. No one, in any capacity, should ever have to put up with this shit.

"Friends" bolted after she shared the pictures? Who the fuck does that? The internet blows my mind yet again.

Oh hai...

Really appropriate response there. This is clearly both the time and place.

Some women have sex for money because they want to and because the money is good.

So women who may take maternity leave to have children and for health and safety reasons cannot work after a certain point in their pregnancy should not be paid equally because of this reason? I'm pretty sure if a woman can work throughout their entire pregnancy without health complications they would. I had a family

Part of his problem is that he's someone who always uses 10 words when 3 would do. It doesn't work for sound bite culture. Well, it does in the sense that it makes him sound like he said something crazy when in reality he was just speaking in paragraphs.

Can I just say YEESSSSS to the people purposefully misunderstanding him part. That irritates the hell out of me. Like, if you thought for 2 seconds about it you would get exactly what he's saying and its never really actually that crazy it's just worded strangely.

I agree with this, especially the "that crazy Kanye" narrative. He's not especially good at speaking off the cuff (but to be honest, neither are a lot of celebrities), but he's not stupid and he's not incomprehensible.

Honestly I think he's still as good as he's ever been. He's climbed so high artistically and success-wise that I think people are trying to turn it into "oh, that crazy Kanye" narrative to take him down a peg. People are purposefully misunderstanding what he's saying and he's not always the most eloquent guy, but he's

I'm missing something. What's the problem with this?

You know, I've sat in the first lecture for a class and gotten the distinct impression that spending two hours every week sitting there for the next four months would be overwhelming. I reacted by dropping those classes and quickly signing up for something that seemed more tolerable.

He is a journalist. Whether or not I like him has no bearing on whether or not he should be held to ethical standards. I agree that the dehumanizing language is "most accessible" to people, but it's also WRONG. There is no value is promoting a false narrative. Middle America being stupid is also not an excuse. THE


The point is that tipping hats and saying m'lady are manners from an extremely specific cultural context- where manners between men and women were based on chivalry, which is the idea that women need coddling from men because they're delicate and incapable. They can't really be divorced from chivalry, because in

Preach! Like Chris Rock has said: "...[T]he worst two words a black actor can hear is 'period piece.' Literally, as an actor, I don't really care about anything that happened before the Jackson 5."