
I don't ever use LOL as a rule. But holy cow I'm glad I wasn't drinking something while reading that. You sir win the state renaming award. Now you having me thinking what body parts the rest of the US are... who get's to be the ass?

I ascribe to the America is made up of two continents and multiple countries point of view. Canada is the hat, USA is the sports bra, Mexico are the short shorts, Brazil is the sexy garter and Argentina is the fishnet stalkings. All other countries not mentioned here are tramp stamps. The Americas: planet earth's

Agreed 1000% Mr Diaz. I've coined this phrase which we should shout from the rooftops until the ridiculous fanboy wars come to an end.

I know... it's an awesome Joke. I think I'll tip him with my stronger Canadian dollar. Kidding, I love the USA. Canada America's Hat... USA, America's Sports Bra.

"The worst feeling is when you want to see a movie, but you space on it..."

use the tool, don't be the tool. (that goes equally for apple fanboys and fandroids)

Dear Steve. You are on the list of people I'd like to meet. Not a stalker and don't believe we'll actually ever meet... but you're so freaking awesome.

I don't know. A crap load. I use software that hides all the icons so that my desktop looks clean. It's called lion designer.

from which side of the fence? When you look down from above I think you'll find a fence with bleating live stock in both camps. The key to not being in one of those camps is to not sound like a douche by being an Apple fanboy or a fandroid. It's a phone. Use the tool, don't be the tool. Yes. That's mine. Yes you may

Projector. Apple TV.

Tech blog. Largest Tech company on the planet. You were expecting the bulk of stories to be about Rim or Motorola?

As an iPhone user (and iPad and macbook). Dude, it's just a phone. Yeah there are fandroid iphone haters, but don't perpetuate the "all apple users are douche bag elitists" stereotype by mocking people based on the daily tool they use to get a job done. I chose my ios devices because I prefer the interface and I'm

I'm looking at the legs and all I see is a giant ironing board.

I think we mostly agree. I agree that Apple's practices leave a lot to be desired. I think where we'll agree to disagree is that I don't think there is a worse. I think they're all sleaze. I think Apple appears worse because as the biggest and most popular brand they get the most visibility while small companies are

Seeing samsungs latest commercial and windows previous why you should buy a PC instead of a Mac commercials I'd say that all the tech companies (including apple) are a bunch of ass hats. It's a cut throat business. It just is. Fandroids (not all android users, but the dick head equivalent of the Machead/ fanboy)

Apple hate is the new in vogue thing to do. Just going to say this one last time. All tech companies are crappy. They're all doing these sorts of crappy things. The difference is Apple is worth billions and is the current largest tech company. It's easier to put a target on the big guy. That's not to say apple is

Hey your last paragraph didn't....ooooooooh. I see what you did there.

Read a lot of curves comments. She's the real deal.

I already commented on that.

Surely that proves my point that this is bad marketing. I'm certain good marketing wants to attract as many potential new customers as possible and not chase any away... whether Samsung believes (or you) that the iPhone is over hyped or not to essentially give their fans the middle finger is a pretty shit idea for