Also a province in South Africa.... But yes I believe it was named after the city in brazil. :0)
Also a province in South Africa.... But yes I believe it was named after the city in brazil. :0)
Had Microsoft office on my Mac. Took it office and stick to iWork. That thing was a dog turd of awfulness. Constantly crashed out on me.
Damn, my photos don't even look that good!
Naaaa, they get Microsoft software engineers to do that. They need the work.
Or 3. Apple sells crap loads of stuff... Which by their stupid amount of money I would say is the more likely scenario.
Done the same thing at Futureshop (now owned by best buy in Canada). I'll quietly approach the person and let hem know that everything that they were just told was absolute garbage. Especially when they're trying to sell them a more expensive product for no reason (like a gaming rig to an old lady who would never need…
It's a womberful life....okay, that was just terrible.
What was the internet connection like. I've got a 2011 MacBook air and YouTube has never been choppy, but my Internet is blazing fast.
I wonder, while napping in a womb-shaped chair, can you get womb service?
...and you're generalizing about those who generalize, about those who generalize about christians. Yeah, I went there.
"Is it plugged in? Did you turn it off and on again?"
Generalization is generalization. I've met angry haters called christians, I've met christians who are pro gay marriage and I've met Christians who disagree, but happily get on with their own lives and leave gay people to happily lead their lives. You may as well have said, This isn't going to go down well with used…
"and then later"
You ledger was awful in that chick flick b movie... The patriot.
love that movie. That's all.
or a game show!
Wow, you must have a horribly big gun held to your head. Damn these people forcing you to come to Gizmodo to click on and read these articles.
That's a good point.
Meanwhile, the "Let's Put a Beard on This Fat Guy" attempt at Steve Wozniak
You know what? As an add person, the ADD jokes are getting really o......jello! Wanna ride bikes.