
You're new right?

only time will tell. Is tom-tom just for the turn, by turn feature? I was lead to believe that the entire maps program is made up of several acquisitions of different apple bought companies. Could be wrong.

Have the Garmin app and the Magellan app on my iPhone (can't speak for Tom Tom). Hate the Garmin app. I found it to work when it wants to. The Magellan app seems to be more responsive, easier to use and has greater accuracy.

sd card/ flash drive/ external dvd writer. I guess they find that users for the most part are moving away from dvd drive use. For myself I've used my dvd drive on my macbook pro probably 3 times in the last year. I would rather have an external writer for when I need it than to lug around unnecessary hardware all the

agreed 110%

Crapple, sheeple. Wow, you really reached for the big intellectual insults there. Good job big boy. I own several android devices (Galaxy S2, Kindle Fire, and an older el cheapo htc) and an iPad and iPhone. The android products aren't bad. However as far as user experience goes, it doesn't (at this point) touch apples

Dang I hope so! I'm using a jailbreak app at the moment to cover location searches. It's good, but can be pretty glitchy. I want unlocked, legit, ready to go siri location goodness!

That wasn't from apple. That was from microsoft.

Are we sure these dresses aren't made from fresh 3rd degree burns? That looks just awful.

Saw a documentary on them a few years ago. They are incredible!

I was under the impression this was a tech blog. Not a "you have to like the stuff you're writing about" blog. It's okay for writers to have preferences. And I agree the ps3 controller is shite. I actually prefer my ps3 to my Xbox, but the controller is jut awful.

I use a crap load of Apple products. A. CRAP. LOAD. And I whole heartedly agree with you. I think the entire patent system needs to be overhauled from the ground up. It's a dated system that not only no longer works, but it stifles creativity and development. Not only that... I think when companies do mimic apple

Apples patent wars get the most air time because they are the richest tech company in the world and the one that gets the most hits when they're written about. Are the patent wars stupid? Yes, without debate. Are Apple close to being the only company filing frivolous and downright asinine patents? Not even close.

Even if he received a text nobody forced him to raise his phone and read it while he was driving.

Most streaming services allow an offline mode. Meaning you can sync those songs to your phone for offline listening. Granted you have to use that services player, but in many cases I've found those players to be better than the stock player on my phone. So...if you download the albums at home while you have wifi for

ClamCase produces a keyboard cover for iPads. They're pretty cool looking. However, I remember when they first advertised those cases. They promised a christmas release. That date came and went and it looked like it would most definitely be vapour-wear. They eventually got the product out, but damn did they keep there

My mother is a total technophobe. She's afraid of windows and Mac Os (and so obviously would be terrified of linux) . She however owns an iPad and feels very confident using it. She doesn't like typing on the touch screen for longer typing situations. There is a market for keyboard cases. You do not fit into their

Hahaha. Just what I was going to say!

If I ever visit the SNASA headquarters I'm gonna pack a lunch of snickers and snapple.... after all that sugar wears off you know I'll need a snooze.