
Not ideal, but I bought Airparrot which mirrors from my macbook pro to my apple tv. Not ideal to pay for a feature that really should just be there (coming in mountain lion I believe) anyway, I think it cost like 7 bucks.

I'm a big apple fan.... but seriously! Troll or ignorant? This goes both ways. Apples current notification centre may as well be copied and pasted from android. Look, I love Apple. I really do. But even more than Apple I love innovation. This hurts innovation.

The problem is, not everyone wants a "full fledged" computer. A lot (and I mean a shit load) of consumers want an easy to use, completely uncomplicated device. I believe apple delivers that. I've sat with countless aging family members who have played around with my iPad and just been amazed at its simplicity of use.

I have an apple tv and a boxee box. On my boxee box I'm getting all their content for free on my tv (it sources from their websites.) So that could get no money from people like me....or some money from Apple.

Narrow view much. Imagine going to a product page and being able to feel the texture of the item you are buying. I mean the promotional oppurtunities for the fabric industry alone are incredible. What about blind people a phone where they can read Braille or feel in image... Imagine how that would open up their world.

Research. Do some.

Heard of something called consequence? Do they need help? Absolutely. However they chose to use Meth. I have an addictive personality. I also had tough things happen in my childhood. I chose to not put myself in circumstances that would encourage certain paths for my life. I'm all for sympathy/ empathy... but this

except....there actually are records that show that Jesus did exist. So by the very definition of not knowing all the facts... that is ignorance.Wether you believe anything else about him or not.

"Zombie" was the first thing that came to my mind too. Maybe that's how the Zombie apocalypse happens. Dealers in the future find a way to deliver meth as an airborne drug. This way they can get anyone hooked, even without consent. It backfires as the meth combines with a mutating bacteria. Billions of Meth addicts

Opinion is opinion. Mine is: I'll never go back to a previous version of Os X. Multitouch gestures, full screen apps. Easy swipes between open ups. Love it. Another opinion. Some people just don't handle progress well.

I have not used or owned a Windows based product in many years. I use apple products for all my needs. With that said, damn! The more I see of windows 8, the more I like it. I may still never own a windows product, but I appreciate the innovation and I really want it to succeed. In some regard I think Apple has gotten

Dude, if that is what your scrote looks like you need to see a doctor... ASAP.

Why every time I see this woman I think of Mom from Futurama? I'm all for powerful woman... but that's what I see.

Can't seem to get it to work with grooveshark. I have a premium account.

That's your opinion. Fittingly in the comment section of a site where the authors are free to express their opinions. Well done.

Chill dude. It's a tech blog. Not the New York Times. It's entertainment, not journalism. The authors on sites like this are not bound by the "ethics" of paper journalism. Personal opinion is allowed.

If google does this the way they did google tv I don't think Apple has anything to worry about. That thing is a nightmare.

You may be on the wrong site for you high (horse) standards. Just saying.

On number 2 (hehehe number 2 - sorry) I think you may be one of the lucky ones. I find drag and drop with iTunes to be very hit an miss. Sometimes it does it no problem, sometimes it doesn't. Many times my files are in the right format and it just refuses to do it. Then I have to reconvert it for iPhone within iTunes.