
Just realized Siri and Hal must be related. She says that to me all the time!

Well with google bringing out their automated car (at some point in the distant future) we'll just combine the two and hey presto. Quick safe transport. Do I have to think of everything.

Whoa!? Really. See them all the time in Vancouver.

my 3 conveniently close video stores all died last year. Closed for good. So I'm sticking to apple tv rentals.

I don't know about State side, but it's becoming more and more common for them to bring a card reader right to your table.

spoken like a true dad. I feel your pain.

The thing is it has happened. A lot. The are a disgustingly large amount of recorded fatalities in children that could have been prevented. Your reasoning is like not insisting your children wear a seat belt because they have never been flung from a car in an accident.

great answer. That is all.

You wouldn't see any reason... until your child dies from a preventable childhood disease.

My father-in-law has a 2008 macbook with Lion Os. It runs like shit... with maximum ram and minimal hard drive content. Multi touch for one does not work at all, for an Os that is increasingly designed for multitouch interaction. I do not agree with your assumption that this legacy hardware can handle the new os in

That's not what they're doing though. The laptops that won't support this are running legacy hardware. How long would you want them to support this (at the cost of limiting enhancements to the Os) 5 years, 10 years, 15 years? Hardware becomes irrelevant. That's a reality for every tech company. This would be

Considering how many people use ecigs and this is the first case we've heard of in the media I wouldn't run screaming for the hills just yet. There is risk with anything including smoking regular cigarettes (I would hazard a guess that they are probably way more dangerous).

until... you know... you actually get lung cancer. I'd take dentures and speech therapy over slowly drowning in my own chest fluids. Seen it happen. Not pretty.

So... if you still had an Apple ][ that ran the original Os but could not run Mountain Lion would you consider that fragmentation? I agree with pettiblay. This ≠ fragmentation. This is just basic obsolescence. All hardware gets to the point where it can no longer handle what's new.

Maybe it's a location thing, but I agree with pmbaustin. I've never seen 45 and 65.

Ha. Great reference. Love this movie... may be time to watch it again.

Ok. I'll take the bait. How is this copying windows phone?

With that said, I use Skype, gtalk (gmail video chat) and FaceTime for communication and Facetime is by far the most stable experience I've had for communicating to family on the other side of the globe. So there may be benefits to that closed experience.

Used crossover a bunch. I find it's very hit and miss. Some acts work great others not at all. Have you tried it with this?

Don't have a windows pc. Don't run/ want to run bootcamp or a virtual machine.