I'm not insinuating that nobody wants them. Merely that we do not have legit numbers from either camp to fully confirm or deny that people want them as much as those in the Samsung camp would like us to believe.
I'm not insinuating that nobody wants them. Merely that we do not have legit numbers from either camp to fully confirm or deny that people want them as much as those in the Samsung camp would like us to believe.
Here's a great article on the subject. Apparently it is shipped and not sold.
True. But their are many people (like my mother for instance) who do not choose the iPhone or samsung because one is better than the other. She "chose" her samsung phone because it was absolutely free with a contract. That may be true of the 3gs, but not all carriers have the 3gs. As far as I know all carriers have…
I thought that was incorrect. I thought they had shipped more phones than apple. Shipping doesn't equal sales to end user. of course. I could have thought wrong. In which case just ignore everything I just said. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if Samsung did "sell" more phones considering they don't only deal…
I got kicked once in the brinicles- not fun at all.
Or humility ;0)
I clicked on this because I was excited that Matthew Perry had finally been cast in a new role.
No. That is correct.
Why so serious? ;0) So easy to forget that people can't read "tone" on the internet.
sorry forgot #sarcasmjoke
Obama didn't un-cancel it.
unblock-us.com That is all.
Daniel Day-Lewis would be awesome! Never thought of him, but he really would be great. I also wouldn't mind Christian Bale....as long as he doesn't growl.
He's kind of a girl.
Hmmm....Well you know what they say about gigantic hands.... gigantic gloves.
Jackass 4 - Buzzass
I thought of asking, "I wonder if anybody has done this with Woody?" and then I thought better of it. Not that their's anything wrong with that!
Maybe we misheard him. "To infinity and behind!"
I never realized how small the new kindle is until right this moment.
I'm hoping we can cull generation Z. They're taking up valuable space and resources. Maybe we can do better with the next generation. My little girls (although I'm biased) seem pretty smart. Here's to hope!