
Apple's the biggest name, so there name show's up the most in headlines with regards to suing. But don't be fooled. EVERYONE is suing EVERYONE - Equally and with the same ferocity. We just don't hear about the other companies in headlines when it does not include Apple. With that said, the reason companies sue as

Dang! So it's not the robots that kill us all it's muscular mutant mice and worms. Did not see the apocalyptic curve ball coming.

Add some grunting plush pigs and some wooden blocks and you have the perfect real world version of Angry Birds

that would be a houseboat.

Agree with 1. I don't agree with 2. "they are of no interest to us whatsoever." I've seen scientists go batshit crazy of the possibility of tiny micro or nano organisms on other planets. If they found a more developed species, no matter how stupid said species is... I'd say that some people would be very interested in

I remember growing up in South Africa my mom would always say, "When pigs fly..." Well mom, I see your pigs and raise you a herd of flying rhinos.

Look, I'm not one of those anti authority "All cops are evil" nuts. I happen to really appreciate that there are guys willing to put their lives on the line day after day so that my family can be safe. I also agree that there are always things we don't/ can't see in such a short clip. Was he provoking the cops just

Whoa! Before I watched the video I was thinking, "There were probably a lot of people and it was hard for the police to see or know what he was up to." Nope... just filming.

Eddie Izzard is awesome... Love that his standup is now on Netflix!

Not only that, look at his hands. Nothing's says, "I'm having a good time" like clenched fists.

I'm assuming (hoping) that the wheels lock while climbing stairs, but agreed...yikes!

You must know him really well, I've never gotten from any of his videos the idea that he is pompous. Passionate about design, yes. Pompous, no. The point is I don't think you can tell a person's character from a few sound bites. Seeing somebody, judge another person harshly based on a few sound bites... now that does

Having something filmed first has nothing to do with who designed, produced, patented something first. The iPads did not magically appear the day they were released. Now if MSI held all their patents first, that would be a different story.


"NOW they're inefficient and clunky"

I was think Capitalismisawesome would be great... but too long. Yours is better.

Apple already did bring that money to the American, Jobs.

Awesome. I can't wait to see the new China flag with an apple logo. Also... what should they rename china to? Stevinia maybe?

I know I love my job as a garbage.... sorry Refuse Disposal and Relocation Specialist. But seriously if every one did the job they love then we'd have nobody to do the crap jobs that nobody wants to do.... I mean do you think anybody likes being a proctologist? Being up to their elbows all day in o-rings? .... ;0)

Touch screens have their place. That's far from being a fad... the millions of cellphone users that have continued to use touch screens way after the novelty of it went away are a testament to that. But agreed, I would not want to use a touchscreen device exclusively. Although I do like the idea of being able to