
Lock them up and throw away the key. What a bunch of spoiled brat delinquents.

Congrats, you win the Douche Award for today. Japan attacked on American soil... innocent people died when that happened. Japan played with fire and it got burned. The end.

Agreed. Brave would be for them to Hack and then leave a little package with their full identity on it. This is nothing more than cowardice, weak little boys and girls throwing tantrums to get their own way.

"Where Do Barcodes Come From?"


"Now if only they could make one that would drop little giraffe treats, too."

You think his kidney was removed by an ethical medical professional to start with?

Ha! You beat me to it!

working 18 our shifts at the Foxconn factory?

Sorry I should have put a #sarcasm #joking after my comment. I was using a weak over used stereotype to make fun of a weak overused stereotype (The Canada "a"/ "eh" thing.) I've actually only met about 4 Canadians in my life who do that and they all live in a very specific part of Canada.... On a side note... I'm not

$8 dollars for all you can watch B-Movies, cancelled shows and super old movies seems a bit steep when for less our US counterparts are getting 2010/ 2011 releases streaming. It's not the 8 bucks that annoys me... it's paying the same (or more) than our neighbors to the South and getting a gutted product and then

Is Canada getting Mirimax on netflix.We hardly get any of the newer releases that the US gets on netflix.

True. In Canada we speak english... Not "American"

What frustrates me is that We're paying the same as our US counterparts (actually a little more because of a stronger Canadian dollar) but we're getting a Netflix service that is even more crippled than the US version. To me that doesn't seem right. We were also promised that the selection would improve drastically

I did that. Maybe you're in the minority. Don't make assumptions about the majority based on your biases.

It's a pity they had to resort to such shocking tactics though.

That made me laugh so hard. I also am a firm believer in a really deeply cut court issued identifying face tattoo and some kind of imbedded gps... preferably implanted in the penis and with some kind of gage that detects increased blood flow.

No problem with your logic, but I did think this would make for an awesome line on a B-Movie poster

agreed, it would be cheaper and make more logistical sense to castrate sex offenders, preferably with some kind of acid.

If you've seen some of my friends you'd understand why I prefer the baby pictures ;0)