Yay, somebody who shares my feelings on twitter! It's an over hyped, under powered piece of poo.
Yay, somebody who shares my feelings on twitter! It's an over hyped, under powered piece of poo.
Agreed. It's a toy you have to share with the world. Those people may have different tastes and interests to you... Including.... Oh shock, oh horror... Their kids. Don't like other people and their differences maybe Facebook isn't for you.
What if kids and family trips are in fact their news? Facebook is about sharing what is important about one's self. If it's their dog or family so be it. Now I'm wondering what pictures you have abundance of on your Facebook that you over share.... Could it be multiple poses with your high horse?
that's awesome.
well played sir, well played.
"Gripper thing"... that would be the technical name? ;0)
That is my best typo ever! Ha! Do soiled little rich kids have gold lined diapers?
Yeah, feel like a tool, Noticed that at the end of the video after I had posted. Although.... still feels like such a waste.
As a (former) South African... TB is an incredibly dangerous and infectious desease... TB is out of control in SA. It's spread through the air... I don't think this is a germophobe thing, but rather a common sense thing. I also hate it when people constantly worry about germs... but there is also wisdom: Don't poop in…
I hate soiled little rich kids.
"If the Bible is correct, Judgment Day is happening this Saturday."
If this truly is another habitable planet who is to say there is not an intelligent species on that planet that is far stronger than us who aren't really willing to share their home.... or a species as dumb as us who have already screwed up that planet as much as we have screwed up ours?
I've tried almost all the paid apps for ipad facebook.... I kinda like mypad the most.... but they all have there downsides. There really does need to be a native facebook app.
So it worked in little over half the cases as a vacine? I mean, when it comes to AIDS a vaccine that works for any percentage of a given population is great, but hopefully with future research they can increase those cases.... and you know... make the leap from monkey to human.
Had the "joy" of sitting through one of her movies with my niece... let's just say I cried at one point and it had more to do with her acting and less to do with the plot.
I was glad to see you typed "virtually" before "anybody" because I was thinking, "Man, you've never seen a Hilary Duff movie have you?" and then I remembered that you did say "virtually"
Actually the overpriced part has been debated back and forth for years and there have been truths and untruths from both sides. Mac users would argue that they have better software that comes free and over the total life of the computer you're paying less (virus software, service etc.) I'm not saying I agree with all…
Loved every imac I've owned. Been more reliable than any other computer I've owned. It may not suit your specific needs.... in which case don't buy it. But why should millions of people not buy a computer with a user interface they really like because you think it's garbage. I don't know what's worse the apple fan…
Dude, chill. The world is changing and computers are becoming far more accessible to the everyday technophobe because of the types of computing that apple and others have made possible. That is a good thing. I hate superior apple fan boys.... I also can not stand condesending superior "geeks" from other platforms that…