
It is really sick that companies spend so much time and money on marketing, people learn sciences to get people to part with money and yet the public at large will still make it out to be an individual’s fault. And that just leads to this stuff to continually go on unregulated and encouraged.

The Switch is the best selling console of this generation and somehow Yuzu, in the midst of that, is causing irreparable damage to Nintendo. Which is laughable to me because if there was no Yuzu, I still wouldn’t buy a Switch

I hate transmedia in general but for a retelling of a story, I hate it even more. Could have folded a recap into the new game and save us the trouble.

Surge pricing for a fast food chain doesn’t make sense. There’s no true incentive for customers to be ok with paying more unless surge pricing will somehow get employees to work faster or better. If it’s busy, paying more for a burger won’t change how long it’ll take or stop the overworked and underpaid working from

I wouldn’t care because I can find real pictures and human made images of the aforementioned. 

I don’t understand why would anyone have such a raging hate boner for fake pictures. This is worse than when white people start crying because captain America is black or Thor is a woman.

Cool so when will white people apologize for co-opting cowboys or saying they were the first to come up with the printing press or Jesus or that Black people benefitted from slavery? You know, stuff that actually happened and matters. Not fake pictures 

People really do believe whatever is on the internet. Gmail is so ubiquitous that outside of work or school, most people have a gmail account and people thought, well someone posted some text with a logo; gotta be true

Well the bright side to this is, at least they were trying to get one made and not that there was a batman beyond movie already made that got cancelled

let Iran eat cake

When people are making less money and things are costing more, a voluntary cost will probably be the first to go. Someday corporations and capitalism will understand that if you are squeezing money out of everyone because the number must always go up, eventually people will have less money for other purchases. Just

Ehh it can be. If a person makes x amount an hour and the price reflects that, then that will just be the price. But if you are tipping, you may end up paying less or more than that price to provide the same wage, we don’t know. Then throw in the fact that I’m basically doing some of the job of HR/payroll without any

Yep. And they’re actually not too big. Wanna say they range from mid 20s to high 60s. Think I saw 80gb lol

Actually there are 4K Dolby Vision and Atmos files out there 

I wish more art was made in this way. Way more exciting than just, how can this make the most money and not offend people. But capitalism

I think the word you are looking for is arcade-y

It takes quite some time for trees to actual become carbon sinks and with the way these wildfires keep happening, they probably won’t reach that age. But either way, carbon credits are just a way to delude ourselves into thinking our problem with climate change is that we just have to capitalism better. You can invest

Next article is going to be, why don’t people with asthma like to smoke crack? You inhale a foreign substance with an asthma pump. Just think of it like that :)

Yeah that’s the one thing that i lament about moving from a PS4 to PC. hate having to wait for those Sony exclusives but I don’t hate it enough to spend 500+ for the privilege lol.
