once again, if you are not afro latinx, you should shut up on how people affected by this should react.
once again, if you are not afro latinx, you should shut up on how people affected by this should react.
What makes this even sillier is that kids are already making Bruce go down on Selina with the toys they’re selling lol
Feels like this deal is kinda disingenuous since you’re comparing the price these phones sold for last year. Seems more like this is just the price these phones should be sold for
Feels like this deal is kinda disingenuous since you’re comparing the price these phones sold for last year. Seems…
I can never not initially read the title for this show as “the bad bitch”
If you have any pushback for this article and you’re not afro latinx,
This won’t change until something really bad that could have been easily avoided happens. There will be some hearing, small fines and new laws that fixes things for a time. Eventually there’ll be something else the auto industry finds to make vehicles more deadly for profit
Maybe don’t release the game on previous gen hardware months before its upgrade is released, that still isn’t widely available.
You know what does let me play older games and sometimes at a much better resolution, emulators and I don’t have to spend five to ten dollars a month to do it
Well I guess I’ll be waiting a little longer to finally play this game. It sometimes pays to have a backlog and only buy stuff on sale lol
If misogynists can marry women and racists can marry black and nbpoc, I doubt your gay friend does much for your case lol. Plus it isn’t like gay people are absolved from self hate and homophobia
It really bums me out how the systems of oppression has us all fighting each other instead of the actual problem. And isn’t it amazing how we all have to suffer to senseless gun violence because some people believe they’re seconds away from being a main character in a Hollywood blockbuster. Now a child is shot because…
No but depending on what kind of asian you are, you’re the shining example of how to be good and close to whiteness
I love how she says what she was doing was an effort to be safe and the cop is like, and thats why I made sure it was unsafe as possible for you. Wish she would have just pulled over right there and he got hit, since he has such a hard on for authority.
I went from having no interest in this at all to a pinch of interest. At the very least it shows that the people behind this care somewhat
Well when you’re making 2K to come in 2nd place, on top of the sponsorships for this event, well I can see why it’s being taken seriously. But even outside of that, it’s just decent sports behavior.
yaayyy, representation!
If you think after last year people are too smart to not try this, especially in some effort to go viral, you must be new here. But my main issue is, what could happen the one time things don’t go as smoothly. Specifically for the bees. Ultimately, if it is true she supports Trump, I don’t see why one would want to…
So kinda like how in Japan the word hentai isn’t a genre of porn
I buy high end Japanese and lesser, high end European brand t-shirts all the time so while I’d never spend this much on a t-shirt, the price doesn’t do anything to me. Plus it isn’t like Sony took all its resources away from producing PS5s to make this shirt. But I will say its a meh af hoodie and shirt. Outside of…
This was really heartwarming. Especially since it feels like any behind the scenes gaming news is always something terrible. But damn I miss this era. Couldn’t even imagine an exec allowing a franchise to exist for ten years without selling a bajillion and one copies nowadays