
When I was became a teacher, I was surprised to find that PE teachers really are, generally, sadistic idiots who enjoy humiliating kids in glasses.

These days it’s ‘I don’t care if they hit you first you hit them back now you are equally in trouble and we won’t investigate further than that to find out if the kid is a bully or not! Then we might have to like... fucking do our jobs or something stupid.’

Physical Education, as a concept, is fine. Kids should get out during the day and do some kind of physical activity as should adults. Sitting all day is horrible for you. Being an active person is a good thing and I think starting the idea that being active every day is normal early on is the best way to go about it.

I hated PE too. However, my dislike was due to it simply being “recruitment” for the football coaches. The vast majority of time, we played sports that kids could already play for the school: football, basketball, hockey (floor-not-ice).

I HATED gym throughout my entire K-12 career. Not because any of my teachers were bad, but because I was terrible and uncoordinated at every single thing. I also got hit in the head by softballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, basketballs, and those red rubber sadistic things; I never got more constructive advice than


gen x - we are forgettable.

This episode start with the Dwight Fire Drill cold open which makes it the best TV episode in history. Perhaps you have a differing opinion. 

We are in an abusive relationship with this administration. Next, they will redefine murder to only include strangulation or bladed weapons so we can OFFICIALLY ignore gun violence.

So I’d say my first baby shower, or should I say my husbands baby shower, was a bit over the top.

I wonder if Trump would trade the wall for a national gun registry and tracking system.

But Brock Turner got no jail time for raping an unconscious woman. Good old American Justice. 

Fuck that's like basically all adult things. What DOES he do? 

The next time some guy asks a stay-at-home mom what they do all day, show him this list. And if the mom in question works outside the home, be sure to add that, as well. 

I forget where I read this (here?) but someone said that the people who want to ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life prove that the “Pro-Life” movement is about punishing women. The fetus doesn’t change based on how it was conceived, so why would abortion be okay in some cases

This reminds me of my partner and how he used to say he’s the one who “works.” It excuses all manner of laziness in the home. Housework and child-rearing is work. Unpaid, unappreciated work.

That is probably one of the most comprehensive lists of household chores and child rearing tasks I have ever read. Have you ever shared this list with your partner? Not giving advice, I’m just curious how he reacted. I'm guessing defensively.

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

Eh she seems more Olsen Twin to me than a Brad Renfro or a Lindsay Lohan. She’s more of a brand than she is a singer or actress, which may help insulate her from the set horrors that other child stars experience. She’s still likely going to turn out weird as children who become the breadwinners of their families

I think her target audience might be even younger than your daughter.  My 7 year old niece and her friends all love her.