
You’re high. Those all look better than the X-Type, and have relatively timeless designs (except maybe for the headlights on the merc, but the clouding is the bigger crime there).

This writing is awful. Spend some time with a copy editor for Christ’s sake.

Disagree. There are tons of these non-modded. Just checked SF Bay Area Craigslist to confirm. Yes, there are several modded ones, but easily as many stock examples.

Fuck Uber.

So what kind of mileage are you actually getting? Genuinely curious.

Oh my god bro, fuck off.

These have gorgeous interiors.

These are absurdly good deals. Too new to be a classic, too old to seem new. Right in the sweet spot.

Good answer. 200k miles though? I’d find a better example.

Good answer, but tought to find one in decent condition, or without super high miles, for $10k. The one you linked to appears to have had significant repairs.

Since I graduated in 2001, my high school time was right smack in the tail end of the import tuner craze. This dude at school named Sharif drove a brand new white Civic coupe (the good Civic, don’t know the chassis designation). Anyway, he sold drugs and the car slowly evolved - first stereo, then undercarriage neons,

There are a lot of people shitting on these cars, or at least on the concept of buying them to look rich, but honestly I’d love to drive all of them except for the Land Rover. Assuming I didn’t have to pay the maintenance, of course. Lots of sweet rides here.

Yeah, kick it up to $15k and you’ll get much more convincing answers here.

Once again, this list is (mostly) garbage.

This car and the regular new prius are both awesome looking and probably the most interesting new car design of the last several years.

“the G37 made up for it in... looks that rivaled most six figure cars”

Cocaine is helpful? That is most likely the dumbest line I’ve read in a car review this year. Even on Jalopnik.

That’s it? How did it drive? Worthless...

What an idiot.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but this article is basically a few hundred words of opinion without backup, save for a single fact about the cars price. Shit content on shitty Gawker.