
Get a life nerdio. Or don’t, keep checking your gawker feed, and keep writing long ass diatribes. Leave the life living for the rest of us.

You’re an idiot. Stick to your job flipping burgers, or hustling slurpies at 7-11. No one wants to hear your philosophizing.

What a brilliant solution. I’m sure no one thought of that before. Why aren’t you in charge of defense contracts?

I don’t get this either. $60k cars are for people looking for a specific car... You dohn’t say “oh, I’ll spend $60k,” you say “I’ve always wanted a 5 series, looks like it fits my budget.” Better to know what you want and a budget than to set some arbitrary number. Where I live, all those folks driving Teslas were

It’s funny when Louis CK says it as a bit, but when you say it? Not so much. Albo, you are an idiot.

Good. This guy is an idiot and a jerk. Even if he is correct in terms of the law and gets his money, I hope he has to go through a enough shit to make him regret this idiotic ordeal. What a joker.

Send this broad to a writing course, or spend more time editing her material. Her writing consistently sucks. “

This review is terrible. Tons of wannabee entertaining text that doesn’t tell me shit. If you want to write some fluffy BS, fine, but don’t call it a review.

My own experience living in the Bay Area has taught me that all you have to do is drive normally in ever-present city and highway traffic and you’ll achieve abysmal fuel economy. 

Without a doubt. Also a no talent hack writer.

I was introduced to riding on a Suzuki 350DR. Pulled a huge wheelie on the first attemp, fell and tore my ACL. Haven’t ridden since. So I agree with your assesment here.

Have you driven or ridden in a Fit? It’s like a micro minivan. You ride up high in the seat. It’s not remotely sporty feeling, even if it handles decently.

the roadster was hella heavy bruh -

This is one of the dumbest articles ever on Jalopnik. This broad is a total hack, all of her articles on here are garbage.

An ex GF always wanted a Porsche, “but not the one with the butthole exhaust.”

This might be the dumbest article ever on Jalopnik, and that’s saying something.

Yes, the math is completely wrong. Those calcs are essentially lotto style odds that you’d randomly select those numbers from a set number of integers. 

I went to CC last weekend in my ‘05 Lexus ES330. I took pleasure in the fact that it was the one and only ES330 at the entire event. This was a big CC at Sonoma Raceway too.

MarcoXD, are you going to the author’s taint too?

I agree, this “review” sucks.