
This is pretty lame. I’ve had nearly all of these things fail on one or more of my cars. 11 years old is not very old.

Regular car reviews are really, really annoying.

What about this line “

Lol, good luck getting those dudes all together. I think the collective fee for the three Top Gear USA bozos is probably about 1/4 what you’d pay Tim Allen, Jay Leno, or Seinfeld. Oh, and don’t forget none of those guys would ever do the show.

I would drive the shit out of an RX350 for a million reasons beyond “the badge,” and definitely not to project an “active lifestyle.” Dumb entry.

The new prius looks great, and you’re an idiot. Keep churnin’ out the non-content Gawker!!!

How does it feel being a virgin with a micro penis? I’d imagine it’s a catch 22- you desperately want to get laid, but you know if you ever do, she’ll just laugh at your small johnson. Good luck lithium, I feel sorry for you.

It’s sad that you’re allowed to breathe the same air as folks who actually have worth.

hey lithium, you are very dumb.

How about neither?

Love the GS430, but tough to find in good condition.

Bro, go to the airport now. The lines are out of control long, and people’s behaviors haven’t changed. It’s a systematic effort by TSA to get what they want (more funding). Look it up.

Well good thing he doesn’t have to listen to you.

I own that thing, it’s a piece of crap, don’t bother.

I own that thing, it’s a piece of crap, don’t bother.

Good. What a bunch of whiney babies (Uber and Lyft).

Gawker “authors” have the most amazing ability to write 1,000+ words about almost nothing. Snooze.

MR2 spyder is supposed to be legit, apparently it’s the best handling MR2.

Lol, why is it shopped onto Treasure Island?

Smurf blue. You’re obvi not part of the Miatarazzi.

Please, tell us more about yourself and your fascnating life.