Because you've been good, here's a video of otters eating sushi from chopsticks. You're welcome, world.
Because you've been good, here's a video of otters eating sushi from chopsticks. You're welcome, world.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
You know, last summer I wasn't quite sure what to make of "Blurred Lines." Was it obnoxious but relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things, or was it creepy as fuck?
Thanks to this whole "Paula" shit, I now know the answer is Door Number 2.
If 1-800-Flowers really wanted a promotion that screamed Robin Thicke,…
I got one for Christmas two years ago. I'm 27 years old.
I offer you a plate of cookies.
As we continue to process the events of last Friday, in which 22-year-old Elliot Rodgers went on an anti-woman…
It's really important you pay attention to these early-onset symptoms of a stroke - please go to a hospital before it gets worse. If you notice any numbness in addition to your obvious confusion and disorientation, call an ambulance.
Your mocking of non-Americans is making me depressed. Luckily, I have universal healthcare to help with that. I am going to go get high on my free drugs now! WOOOO!!!!!!1111!!!114
We walked in to find red velvet cake smeared everywhere — the mirrors, paintings, counters, floor, stalls, walls, and toilets.
Alaska is far. And cold. But, there are beautiful stories there. Like many remote places, it's home to a rich…
I'm seeing a lot of people not digging on the wives, sisters, daughters portion, but I don't see it as patriarchal so much as the nature of language. The ad is intended for men, and about sexual violence against women. These are the words referring to female relatives.
True story. We went to Disney World a couple years ago. They have a "storybook dinner" at Epcot where while you eat, each of the famous Disney princesses come around and spend a few minutes with each kid in your family. Believe me when I say it was worth every damn penny. My daughter was never so excited in her…
Attitudes like this fascinate me. I think a lot of guys here in Sweden don't really understand what women in the rest of the world have to face in terms of unreconstructed attitudes from their male colleagues/family. We're so used to gender equality that this kind of "ladies only desire security and men are all…