
That's a very interesting concept. I would love to see that done. Maybe the brilliant people who created this video might like to do it! Although men generally don't talk about how this kind of upbringing hurts or damages them (they are 'tough' after all) I do feel that it's a very serious problem that needs

I wonder whether it's true to. There certainly seems to be a general opinion that you need to have found that love before your 40 or you never might. What if your true love is actually married to someone else already? And you two might be great together but he's too much of a nice guy to break it off with her? I guess

I don't think it's about actually being in a relationship when you are dying. But more having experienced a loving relationship and feeling afraid that if you don't catch one early on enough you might be left to spend the rest of your life alone. And although I don't feel like I 'need' another person to make me happy,

I have 2 types of nightmares. Either enormous apocalyptic nightmares, often featuring, but no limited to zombie outbreaks. (also possible are volcano eruptions, weird monsters, or nature overgrowing and destroying everything) During these dreams I am either aware of what is about to happen and trying to save my loved

I have a long running fear of zombies (escalating to several nightmares a night until I was just about hallucinating them in the daytime. I digress) and my boyfriend regularly decided to, after turning off the light and shrouding his bedroom in complete darkness, walking towards and climbing onto the bed moving as and

I once had a nightmare where the worst part of the whole dream was that I was locked in a small toilet and I couldn't stop peeing and it was starting to flood the whole toilet and I was going to drown in my own pee. It is the strangest nightmare I've ever had not to mention the one I've been ashamed of the longest.

Am I really the only one who is really annoyed with Daniels (thats the adopted son/security guard's name right) hairdo? I understand your in the arctic.. but was your hairdresser retarded and is hair gel not allowed or what?

I can't even imagine either of these. Scotland or Alaska. I live in a country so small and flat.. A 15 mile hike takes you to the next town, pretty much :P

No. I just cleaned a pile of them last week. A pile. I swear I hadn't noticed I'd accumulated so many :x

spoiler :(

How exciting! Good luck next week!

I must have been too young to realize, but it does look EQ! :D

Very well put, that is exactly what made me want to read another King book. The way you get to know these characters, befriend them and grow to care for them. It's what makes the horrors or tragedy's of their worlds and lives so much more painful. That is what makes those books great. Why they touch you. Without that,

For sure. I was a bit weary that it might be purely about that, at first. I just decided to go with it. Because really, how could it be that thick and just be about that right? Glad I did too. I'm about 480 pages in right now. The things that strike a cord are about how fond he grows of certain towns and how cold

Found it! It's this one :

I assume they wouldnt advise me the second book in a series. I hope ;)

This is so amazing. I can't stop looking at the pictures. Wish they had also shot the fishes swimming upside down, I'm so very curious to find out how they are different and how they survive down there. Nature is awesome!

On the other hand. Imagine you're living your life and all of a sudden this scifi-looking thing

I guess so. I don't even think this is the cover I have, in my memory the cover is a lot whiter. I'll have to take a look when I get home. Is the US version whitish perhaps?
I am loving the atmosphere of the whole book so far! I remember loving the dark tower when I was reading it (hate it or love it, I loved it) and

I gave my dad a Patrick Rothfuss for christmas, I'm not sure it's the same one but he came highly recommended. Glad to see someone else enjoying it :)

I gave hyperbole and a half to a friend of mine for Christmas! I'm hoping to borrow it from him soon so I can get to the little gems that aren't on the blog itself.