Hahaha! I need to give this more recommendations, it deserves them all! XD
Hahaha! I need to give this more recommendations, it deserves them all! XD
I hope so!
I'm pretty sure they were referring to this thing : http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/comm…
I have a stuffed version at home !
*patpat* people can get upset about the littlest things.. (referring here to petticoat despot, not you)
Geeze, he was just talking. He wasn't attacking any gender. He was simply referring to a personal preference of enjoying having clearly defined different sources. Doesn't mean he wouldn't have read the exact same article over somewhere else. Everyone has their thing. No reason to get so peeved off about it..
I'm shocked to hear you got so little time off! I'm too work in a very similar industry as yourself by the time I finish school next year (UX or visual focus in web and app design) and certainly hope I'm not in the same boat by the time I ever have kids. Might I ask what country you live in?
Over here (the Netherlands)…
Good for you!
Congratulations! That actually sounds like a pretty awesome job :D
I get what you mean. Sometimes just some things come along that make that year great, even if you hadn't really worked for it.
Heh, I agree. In fact I got into a discussion just this morning with my colleague whose statement was "We'll fix the economy by being positive.", "All this talk about transparency is bad, we don't need it." and "We should all just look out for ourselves, be a little selfish. Everyone else is." His very conscious…
No good books? No nice show? No cool fact you learned? It needn't be big, as long as it's made you happy, it counts. Right? :)
Now see.. This is what I meant when I say the community of io9 has made an impact in my life that goes further than just the interesting factoids I learn here. This is something I've been mulling over for the past few months. That maybe there's more than we can do than just go through your own life and do your thing.…
Yessss... I've been waiting for that ALL YEAR!
If I may.. A high-five for this post!
I thank Captain Hindsight far too often in real life..
That is the worst! A few weeks ago 3 people died here in Amsterdam during a windstorm. All due to falling trees, either directly on them or on their cars. I was working during the worst of it, so I wasn't too bothered. Getting home was awful though, not so much for me but my train bound colleagues spent many hours…
I'm a little downwind from scandinavia (get it?) but here in holland we can get some pretty terrific winds as well. I always bike everywhere but there have been days where I'd just stand still against the wind. Thought to myself 'you win this time wind!' and chained my bike up somewhere to carry on my journey by…
I always know that I'm in for a bad dream when the corners of the room I'm in start getting darker. My chest feels tighter and I try to turn on the lights but they won't work. Even though sometimes there'll be lights turned on but the light just won't penetrate those corners or towards the ceiling. Creeps me the hell…
*men and women