
The lavender is lovely and soothing!!!

Ummmm. That is flipping adorable!

For reals... Starbuck had her Queequeg!


She’s still being charged with a felony which is fucking ridiculous.

Nope. Nope. Nope.


Maybe give it another shot? Initially, when it ran on PBS, I wanted to get into it, but was like, “Honk-shoooo...ZZzzzzzzzzZZZzzzzZZzz...” However, I watched the first few episodes a couple of weeks ago and was super into it. Poldark is kinda great. He’s anti-class stratification and kind of noble and finds himself

For reals. Currently incubating a tiny human boy and this is a huge concern for me, especially as a rape survivor. Also, in terms of girls needing to protect themselves, while this is entirely true, no one ever expects to be a victim . From experience, I can tell you that becoming a “victim” is difficult for anyone

It’s soooo awful.

I don’t think they can be considered generational millennials, but I totally agree with the sentiment. My other theory is that it’s early dementia. No jokes. Old people suddenly become offensive as fuck at some point....maybe it’s because they’re closer to death and give, like, zero shits anymore.

Seriously, because 18 is not a good measure. Their brains still aren’t working right at 18.

Paranoid is such a great album. It’s currently in my record player. The dog and I use it as our awesome morning soundtrack.

Yes! This!!!

See and this is why I’m all for trying to get Baby BooBearSmash used to sleeping in all kinds of noise environments.

Yeah, I’ve decided I’m not above bribery when it comes to being trapped with a bunch of strangers in a flying metal tube thousands of feet in the air.

A little show...a tiny show??? I wanted to hold this poor kid!

Newborns are one thing....I know a genuinely not cute or clever 2 year old. He’s awful. His family treats him like the second coming. He gives people the stinkeye. I mean, I think that might just be his face, but is rude. No one does a thing to try to reign him in either. We were having a family party and I

Since we were trying to conceive and especially now that I’m pregnant, I’ve been much more sympathetic to families with babies. However, on my flight over to Glasgow a couple of weeks ago this woman had a crying child, not quite 2, that she did basically nothing for; no words of consolation, no snacks, no diaper

I don’t understand how healthcare is a fucking business. It is disgusting.