Booyakasha Booyakasha III

That’s not it. Something can “reign over” something else, and that would be transitive. They’re just completely different words that both happen to relate to control. Reins as in horses, reigns as in kings.

Dude... No.

So your culture is what, trolling the comments?

Culture? Dude. Dame Edna and Yahoo Serious hardly qualify as “culture.”

Ah, so you are classist as well as sexist, racist, transphobic, and homophobic.

That Man’s Insides

Well it sure beats raising cattle.

Is he “Sir Ringo” or “Sir Richard”?

You mean Thomas the Tank Engine?

I do!

1. Hey, Professor Appeal To Authority? We’re not in eighth grade debate club. Your tedious logic pedantry wouldn’t impress anyone even if it were remotely accurate. Save it for the poor saps dumb enough to pay you for it.


You asked what my premise was. I told you it’s “sort of” like the thing you said, because it is, and then clarified because you asked for clarification. And you have the temerity to question my reading comprehension?

Worked for the CN Tower.

Cool. Now Zuck’ll look like an even bigger pile of shit for illegally selling user data to a Breitbart front.

Dude, if you’re going to rail on about logical fallacies, at least read the Wikipedia page past the title, because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. This is not an ad hominem attack; it is advice.

Oh. Okay. I thought you were speaking somewhat coherently. Nevermind.

I love how you just lumped a quarter of the world’s population into one easy generalization, as if you were a dimwitted old crank.

Please. His sin was being utterly replaceable and giving his employer a reason to replace him.

“You can either start talking with people you disagree with or get the fuck out of the way.”