Booyakasha Booyakasha III

“The 174-foot span weighed 950 tons and was built using so-called Accelerated Bridge Construction Methods that were designed by the university’s Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center.”

It seems like some time in the late nineties, some well-meaning asshole told Liz Phair what a vocal range is, and that hers is several notes higher than what she thought. Since then, she seems to have tuned everything up a skosh to hit those lowest notes properly, instead of just letting them sort of belch out in

Do you not have a “skull head” then?


Same reason they call themselves a “church” while bearing no resemblance to one. It’s a fake veneer to seem religion-ish and get a religious tax exemption while being nothing more than just another scammy self-help quack factory.

Well, I guess that explains Will Smith’s phoney-baloney YouTube stuff lately.

Cool take, Adolf.

So is Dolphin-Strength AZT.

You might want to take a look at this thread, notice how much of it is taken up by your own inane bloviating, and calm your own damn tits.

Yes, this is exactly why we have that list: Too many assholes that don’t know when to shut up.

Start looking up ‘hypothetical.’

People who use others’ oh-so-hilarious misfortune to make themselves seem interesting ... aren’t.

Assholes are still assholes even if there are a lot of them.

Sure. But if you later went and blabbed my private business to the internet, I might be justifed in finding another orthodontist capable of even the slightest amount of professional discretion. The barest of CYA rules-lawyering doesn’t make it a-okay. Other people do not exist for your entertainment.

Those people are called “assholes.”

No names, not illegal. Still pretty gross and completely unprofessional, though. If I found out my orthodontist was laughing about me — by name or not — behind my back, I’d be looking for other orthodontists ASAP and yelping the shit out of his practice.

Uh-huh. And you are helpless to resist patronizing their business because...?

What a complete copout. You choose it. You do. And you can choose the opposite.

That song is a perfect example of both Billies Corgan: the whisper-soft one, and the cat-in-heat-playing-bagpipes one. The latter is...kinda completely awful.
