Booyakasha Booyakasha III


Commas are important.


George R.R. Martin is an anagram of Grrr Orange Time.

Most Viners do.

One part of the absurdity of going to an outside business to get a photo taken (which we also have to do in Canada, FWIW) is that the DMV is a thing. Their whole deal is issuing government ID, and they’re set up for photography. I know they’re totally different agencies run by two totally different levels of

You have failed.

Correction: Two shitbags.

They were like seventeen turds out there.

No. No one else is exhausted. It’s definitely just you.

I love that Trump’s limited grasp of the English language makes it seem like it’s the awards themselves that are “the most dishonest & corrupt.” How does this compare to his other awards shows, I wonder?

“We’re just asking to be treated fairly. We are not looking for a ridiculous punitive payment. But we estimate that our clients account for somewhere between 1% and 5% of the music these services distribute. Spotify has more than $3 billion in annual revenue and pays outrageous annual salaries to its executives and

Well, kids, back in the 1980s, when a mommy and a daddy loved each other very much, every now and then they would briefly step off their PogoBalls, tease and spray each others’ perms to maximum volume, put on all their dangliest earrings, slather themselves in inches upon inches of cheekbone-enhancing blush, grab

You can tell he’s a lot younger though, on account of those ACID WASH JEANS

Oh, good. I’ve always said the one thing Netflix needs is to become bloated and unusable, to the point that it has to be split into three separate apps, each of which is then free to become bloated and unusable on its own terms.

It’s from the Molly Ringwald collection.

That’s odd. I can’t seem to find “Just stop trying in vain to make this disgusting non-food seem remotely edible” on this list.

Along with his lack of training, did he also lack a sense of smell and the ability to put two and two together? Houses doused in gasoline tend to, you know, smell like gasoline.

Milo Yiannopolos is about as “Greek” as a tube of Gogurt.

You went to Ruffles University too?